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Rebecca Giles


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  1. Giles, Rebecca Helen (2021) Caucusing: Creating space to confront our fears.... Twelve years on. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED
  2. Giles, Rebecca Helen (2021) Ngā Roopu Awhi: Integration in social work education. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED
  3. Giles, Rebecca Helen (2016) Social workers' perceptions of multi-disciplinary team work: A case study of health social wokrers at a major regional hospital in New Zealand. Social workers' perceptions of multi-disciplinary team work: A case study of health social workers at a major regional hospital in New Zealand., 28 (1). pp. 25-33. ISSN 2463-4131 UNSPECIFIED
  4. Giles, Rebecca Helen (2015) Multi-disciplinary teams at Waikato Hospital - View from Social Workers. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED
  5. Giles, Rebecca Helen (2015) Multi-disciplinary teams at Waikato Hospital - the view from social workers. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED
  6. Giles, Rebecca Helen (2011) Public art for social change: Aaniwaniwa submerged histories. In: Public Art for Social Change, 3 October, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED
  7. Giles, Rebecca Helen and Rivers, Shirley (2011) Caucusing: Creating space to confront fears. In: Kakano Rua: Bicultural Practice Research Seminar, 31 March, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED
  8. Giles, Rebecca Helen and Rivers, Shirley (2009) Caucusing: Creating a space to confront our fears. In: 20th Asia Pacific Social Work Conference 2009, 11-13 November, 2009, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED
  9. Giles, Rebecca Helen and Rivers, Shirley (2008) Exploring caucusing as a teaching methodology. In: 6th NZAC Research Conference: Realising Research Rigour, 20-21 November, 2008, Christchurch, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED