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Items where Subject is "Q Science (General)"

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Number of items at this level: 99.


Ahmed, Monjur (2018) A redundancy-based security model for smart home. [Poster presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Akbaripour-Elahabad, Mohammad and Rafeh, Reza and Zahiri, Javad and Rafe, Vahid (2014) RNA-Protein Interaction Prediction sing euence Information. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED


Best, Russ and Williams, Jane M and Pearce, J The Physiological Requirements of and Nutritional Recommendations for Equestrian Riders. [Journal item] Best, R., Williams, J. M., & Pearce, J. (2023). The physiological requirements of and nutritional recommendations for equestrian riders. Nutrients, 15(23), 4977.

Best, Russell (2022) Perspectives: The player-pony dyad in Polo, lessons from other sports and future directions. Animal Frontiers. (In Press) UNSPECIFIED

Best, Russell and Naicker, Rachana and Maulder, Peter S and Berger, Nicolas (2021) Dilution method of menthol solutions affects subsequent perceptual thermal responses during passive heat exposure in non‐heat acclimated participants. Beverages, 7. p. 62. UNSPECIFIED

Best, Russell and Standing, Regan J (2019) Performance characteristics of a winning polo team. New Zealand Journal of Sport and Exercise Science, 2 (1). ISSN 2537-9933 (In Press) UNSPECIFIED

Bosu, Michael Franklin (2018) International conference on software engineering and knowledge engineering: Session chair. [Facilitating a session at a conference, workshop or other event] UNSPECIFIED

Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane and Keogh, Justin W.L. and Hume, Patria A. and Maulder, Peter and Nortje, Jacques P. and Marnewick, Michel C. (2013) Effect of biological movement variability on the performance of the golf swing in high and low handicapped players. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80 (2). pp. 185-196. ISSN 0270-1367 UNSPECIFIED

Burden, S. B. and Maulder, P. S. (2013) A biomechanical comparison of the foot strike between running in Vibram Fivefingers® shoes and barefoot / Leah Hutching. Masters thesis, Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Burrell, Chris and Melchert, Matt (2007) Augmenting compiler error reporting in the Karel++ Microworld. In: NACCQ07: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications, Hamilton, New Zealand, pp. 41-46. UNSPECIFIED


Catanach, Andrew and Erasmuson, Sylvia and Podivinsky, E. and Jordan, Brian and Bicknell, Ross (2006) Deletion mapping of genetic regions associated with apomixes in Hieracium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103 (49). pp. 18650-18655. ISSN 1091-6490 UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe and Fendall, Andy and Hawkins, Korikori (2017) Matariki Interactive Waka Project Event 20th July 2017. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED


De Mello Costa, M. F. (2015) Address to Postgraduate Students in Brazil (RO). [Facilitating a session at a conference, workshop or other event] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

De Mello Costa, M. F. (2010) Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in horses and its relationship to performance and fitness. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, The University of Melbourne. UNSPECIFIED

De Mello Costa, M. F. (2015) Public address to veterinary medicine students and veterinarians (RO). [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

De Mello Costa, M. F. (2015) Public address to veterynary medicine students and veterinarians (RO) - Title: Lameness in horses. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

De Mello Costa, M. F. and Couetill, L. (2015) Research Externship at Purdue University, USA. not applicable. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

De Mello Costa, M. F. and Pereira, J. N. P. and Vaslin, C. C. S. and Felippe, M. L. C. and Seppa, G. S. (2009) Acute exhaustion syndrome in thoroughbred racehorses. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

De Mello Costa, M. F. and Thomassian, A. (2006) Evaluation of race distance, track surface and season of the year on exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage in flat racing thoroughbreds in Brazil. Equine Veterinary Journal, 38 (S36). pp. 487-489. ISSN 2042-3306 UNSPECIFIED

De Mello Costa, M. F. and Vieira, J.B. (2015) Collaborative Research Development Agreement between Maria Fernanda de Mello Costa (WINTEC), and the Brazilian Jockey CLub (JCB). not applicable. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

De Waal, Alta and Willers, Cornelius and Roodt, Henk and Mudau, Azwitamisi (2013) The Validation of an Infrared Simulation System. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Donaldson, Andrea (2013) Biochemistry Changes That Occur after Death: Potential Markers for Determining Post-Mortem Interval. PLOS ONE, 8 (11). ISSN 1932-6203 UNSPECIFIED

Donaldson, Andrea (2011) Characterising the dynamics of expirated bloodstain pattern formation using high-speed digital video imaging. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 125 (6). pp. 757-762. ISSN 0937-9827 UNSPECIFIED


Eslami, Morteza and Zahiri, Javad and Rafeh, Reza and Azizi, Masoud (2014) Antifreeze Protein DetectionUsing Sequential Minimal Optimization Classifier. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Ewart, Paul and Capek, Lukas (2018) Erasmus mobility project collaboration. Nil. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED


Ferguson, Bruce and Maqbool, Jannat and Potgieter, Christo (2010) R&D vouchers: Business continuity of IT. In: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Education and Research in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 23rd Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications (NACCQ), Hamilton, New Zealand, pp. 322-323. UNSPECIFIED


Gaddam, Anuroop and Lundqvist, K.O. and Citizen, Joe and Calixto, D.B. (2017) IoT and Wireless Sensor Network for Interactive Waka Structure. 2017 Eleventh International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST). (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Goddard, Rachael and Reynolds, Cheryl and Corridan, Moira (2007) Rubbish! Everything you ever wanted to know about rubbish, landfills, recycling and worms. Reed Publishing, New Zealand. ISBN 9781869780142 UNSPECIFIED


Hakim, Ayesha (2018) Predicting and improving the recognition of emotions. Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology, 11 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2230-4398 UNSPECIFIED

Harnett, Denise (2015) NZ ITP Sports Research Symposium 2015. [Organising or hosting a conference, workshop or other event] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Harrison, Andrew (2018) Lean - Mean: Tree climbing machine! [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Hume, Patria A. and Hopkins, Will G. and Rome, Keith and Maulder, Peter S and Coyle, Greg and Nigg, Benno (2008) Effectiveness of foot orthoses for treatment and prevention of lower limb injuries. Sports Medicine, 39 (9). pp. 759-779. ISSN 0112-1642 UNSPECIFIED


Jayasekara, J.M.C.M. and Samarakoon, S.M.C.S. (2021) The potential contribution of soy isoflavones in the health of menopausal women, revealing the avenues for soy food manufacturing industry. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Johnson, Michael and Morton, Lillian (2013) The effects of intermittent fasting on body composition in resistance trained males: A review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Studies, 1. ISSN 2282-5673 UNSPECIFIED

Jones, Elliot and Morton, Lillian (2013) The effects of dietary nitrate and Quercetin on exercise performance: A review of the literature. The European Journal of Sport Studies, 1. ISSN 2282-5673 UNSPECIFIED

Jones, Rhys J and Johnson, R and Maclean, P and Cave, V and Adam, K and Siva, J and Jauregui, R and Bell, N and Fleetwood, D (2017) More than just plants: A study of biotic stress impacts on the root microbiomes of Trifolium repens. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED


Keogh, Justin W.L. and Marnewick, Michel C. and Maulder, Peter S and Nortje, Jacques P. and Hume, Patria A. and Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane (2009) Are anthropometric, flexibility, muscular strength, and endurance variables related to clubhead velocity in low and high handicap golfers? Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23 (6). pp. 1841-1850. ISSN 1064-8011 UNSPECIFIED

Khanna, Jai and AL-Rawi, Mohammad and Dabholkar, Ninad (2021) Generation of Biogas using Fixed-Dome Anaerobic Digester for Small-Scale Industrial Applications in New Zealand. [Poster presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Koen, Hildegarde and de Villiers, J.P. and Roodt, Henk and De Waal, Alta (2017) An expert-driven causal model of the rhino poaching problem. Ecological Modelling, 347. pp. 29-39. ISSN 03043800 (In Press) UNSPECIFIED


Lin, S. and Gilpin, B. and Scholes, P. and Podivinsky, E. and Klena, J. and Savill, M. (2009) Preliminary development and validation of a real-time reverse transcription PCR assay for the semi-quantification of viable Campylobacter jejuni in water samples. Water Science and Technology, 60 (12). pp. 3151-3158. ISSN 0273-1223 UNSPECIFIED


Maulder, P. S. (2013) Dominant limb asymmetry associated with prospective injury occurrence. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 35 (1). pp. 121-131. ISSN 0379-9069 UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. (2012) Is Facebook a worthwhile tool for student engagement? In: Inspire Festival 2012, 3 August, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. (2012) Power Research Netball Waikato High Performance squad. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Bradshaw, E. J. and Keogh, J. W. L. (2008) Kinematic alterations due to different loading schemes in early acceleration sprint performance from starting blocks. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22 (6). pp. 1992-2002. ISSN 1064-8011 UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Haggie, Marrin (2013) The validity and reliability of a sport specific Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test to predict the maximal oxygen consumption of national representative level Rugby League players. In: 27th International council for physical activity and fitness research conference, 29th - 30th Aug, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Hutching, L (2013) A biomechanical comparison of the foot strike between running in Vibram Fivefingers® shoes and barefoot. In: 27th International council for physical activity and fitness research conference, 29th - 30th Aug, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Longhurst, Glynis and Morton, Lillian and Paoli, Antonio and Bianco, Antonino (2013) International council for physical activity and fitness research. University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Mayo, Brad (2013) The locomotive requirements during Rugby Union competition: A review of the literature. In: 27th International council for physical activity and fitness research conference, 29th - 30th Aug, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and O'Connell, Josiah (2013) The acute effects of post activation potentiation on sprint performance: A review of the literature. In: 27th International council for physical activity and fitness research conference, 29th - 30th Aug, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Pooley, A. and Beaven, C. M. and Kilduf, Liam and Cook, Christian (2013) Effects of caffeine and carbohydrate mouth rinses on repeated sprint performance. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 38 (6). pp. 633-637. ISSN 1715-5312 UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Puddle, D. L. (2013) Ground reaction forces and loading rates associated with Parkour and traditional drop landing techniques. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 12 (1). pp. 122-129. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Stirling, Josh (2013) The effects of start position on sprint performance: A review of the literature. In: 27th International council for physical activity and fitness research conference. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Trewin, Josh (2013) The effects of plyometric training on sprint performance: A review of the literature. In: 27th International council for physical activity and fitness research conference, 29th - 30th Aug, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. and Vanderschantz, Genelle (2013) Do acute assisted sprinting interventions have a beneficial impact on acute sprint performance? A review of the literature. In: 27th International council for physical activity and fitness research conference, 29th - 30th Aug, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, Peter and Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane and Hume, Patria A. (2010) Dominant limb asymmetry greater than 10% during unanticipated agility performance is associated with prospective injury occurrence. In: New Zealand Sports Medicine and Science Conference, 18-20 November, 2010, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, Peter and Hume, Patria A. and Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane (2009) Does successful unanticipated turning ability lead to successful unanticipated straight sprint ability in netballers? In: New Zealand Sports Medicine and Science Conference, 12-14 November, 2009, Rotorua, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, Peter and Hume, Patria A. and Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane (2012) Is injury occurrence associated with joint coupling variability during unanticipated movement tasks performed by netballers? In: 30 International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports. Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, Peter S and Hume, Patria A. and Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane (2008) Joint coupling variability can likely indicate lower extremity injury occurrence. In: New Zealand Sports Medicine + Science Conference, 13-15 November 2008, Dunedin, New Zealand: Programme and collected abstracts. Sports Medicine New Zealand Inc, Dunedin, New Zealand, p. 51. ISBN 0909020078 UNSPECIFIED

Moridnejad, Maryam (2019) Stream temperature modeling and fiber optic temperature sensing to characterize groundwater discharge. Groundwater. ISSN 1745-6584 UNSPECIFIED


Nikora, Mark (2018) CacophonyViz : Visualisation of birdsong derived ecological health indicators. Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology, 22 (1). ISSN 1176-4120 UNSPECIFIED


Podivinsky, E. (2009) Applications of real-time PCR to food safety: A QA perspective. In: 9th MoniQA Food Scientist Training Workshop: Modern Methods for Monitoring Food Quality and Safety, 23-26 March, 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Podivinsky, E. and Love, J. L. and Van der Colff, L. and Samuel, L. (2009) Effect of storage regime on the stability of DNA used as a calibration standard for real-time polymerase chain reaction. Analytical Biochemistry, 394 (1). pp. 132-134. ISSN 0003-2697 UNSPECIFIED

Podivinsky, E. and Mackay, J. (2011) High resolution melting analysis as a novel DNA assay for meat speciation. In: Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting: QMB2011, 29-31 August, 2011, Queenstown, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Botes, V. L. (2010) Is a business intelligence course such a smart move? In: SHAKE-UP: New Perspectives in Business Research and Education: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference (NZABE) 2010, 27-28 September, 2010, Napier, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Ferguson, Bruce (2009) Analysis of completion and retention of a graduate diploma. In: NACCQ09: 22nd Annual Conference: Educating, Innovating & Transforming: Educators in IT, 10-13 July, 2009, Napier, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Ferguson, Bruce (2009) Managing international students attendance with consideration of completion and satisfaction. In: NACCQ 2009: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications, pp. 87-90. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Greyling, Willfred and Ferguson, Bruce (2010) Managing "at risk" students and pass rates with SPSS. In: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Education and Research in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 23rd Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications (NACCQ), Hamilton, New Zealand, pp. 217-226. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Roberton, Garry (2009) Blue Book’s APR: A useful addition? In: NACCQ 2009: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications, p. 174. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Roberton, Garry (2009) NZCS SFIA professional certification. In: NACCQ 2009: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications, p. 173. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Roberton, Garry (2009) Student success: Overcoming quality systems and data problems. In: NACCQ09: 22nd Annual Conference: Educating, Innovating & Transforming: Educators in IT, 10-13 July, 2009, Napier, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Puddle, D. L. and Maulder, P. S. (2010) Ground reaction forces and loading rates associated with Parkour and traditional drop landing techniques. In: New Zealand Sports Medicine and Science Conference, 18-20 November, 2010, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED


Rafeh, Reza (2014) Detecting False Positive Interactions in Protein-Protein Interaction Data. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Rakena, Blaine and Fisher, Darrell (2010) As proud as we are: A journey of educational achievement and learning for mature Maori computing students. In: Envisioning the future: The role of curriculum materials and learning environments in educational reform: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. The 6th SMTE Organizing Committee, pp. 423-432. ISBN 9789577525772 UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry and Bennett, Susan (2009) Tertiary enrolment and labour market trends, 2002 to present: A global snapshot. In: NACCQ 2009: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications, p. 176. UNSPECIFIED

Roodt, Henk (2016) Complexity. In: Large Scale Systemic Change: Theories, Modelling and Practices. Nova Science Publishers. UNSPECIFIED

Roodt, Henk (2014) Project report: Closed loop farm concept design. [Report] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Roodt, Henk (2015) The Recursively Generative Nature of Complex Agri- Eco-Socio-Technical Systems. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED


Saeedi, Mohsen and Li, Loretta and Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh (2012) Heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Pollution and ecological risk assessment in street dust of Tehran. Journal of Hazardous Materials. UNSPECIFIED

Saeedi, Mohsen and Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh and Jamshidi-Zanjani, Ahmad and Li, Loretta (2014) Response to the comments of Zhang et al.(2014) on “Heavy metals and polycyclic aro-matic hydrocarbons: Pollution and ecologicalrisk assessment in street dust of Tehran”. Journal of Hazardous Materials. UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh (2017) Cadmium accumulation in agricultural soils. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh (2018) Source-tracking cadmium in New Zealand agricultural soils: A stable isotope approach. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh (2018) Tracing sources of cadmium in agricultural soils: a stable isotope approach. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh and Balks, Megan and Hartland, Adam and Schipper, Louis (2014) Cadmium accumulation in contrasting soils: preliminary study. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh and Balks, Megan and Hartland, Adam and Schipper, Louis (2016) Cadmium accumulation in three contrasting New Zealand soils with the same phosphate fertilizer history. Geoderma Regional, 3 (7). pp. 271-278. UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh and Balks, Megan and Schipper, Louis (2015) Is there any difference between distributions of cadmium in different soils with the same fertiliser history? [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (In Press) UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh and Hartland, Adam and Stirling, Claudine and Balks, Megan and George, Ejin and Schipper, Louis (2016) Use of cadmium isotopes to distinguish sources of cadmium in New Zealand agricultural soil: Preliminary results. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh and Hartland, Adam and Stirling, Claudine and Balks, Megan and Schipper, Louis and Joshi, Chaitanya and George, Ejin (2017) Tracing sources of cadmium in agricultural soils using cadmium stable isotopes. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh and Saeedi, Mohsen and Li, Loretta and Nabi-Bidhendi, Gholamreza (2015) Characterization andmetals fractionation of street dust samples fromTehran, Iran. International Journal of Environmental Research, 9. pp. 213-224. UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh and Schipper, Louis and Balks, Megan and Hartland, Adam and Mudge, Paul (2016) Cadmium leaching in New Zealand soils. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh and Schipper, Louis and Balks, Megan and Hartland, Adam and Mudge, Paul and Littler, Ray (2017) The effect of irrigation on cadmium, uranium, and phosphorus contents in agricultural soils. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 247. pp. 84-90. ISSN 0167-8809 UNSPECIFIED

Samarakoon, S.M.C.S (2018) Characterization of the texture in ready meals. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Samarakoon, S.M.C.S and Jacob, N. and Farouk, M.M. (2018) Liver-based infant complementary food. [Poster presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Samarakoon, S.M.C.S. and Perera, B.D. and Farouk, M.M. (2019) Meat icing on muffins: Healthy snacking for older adults. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Shokri, Ali and Bardsley, William Earl (2016) Development, testing and application of DrainFlow: A fully distributed integrated surface-subsurface flow model for drainage study. Advances in Water Resources, 92. pp. 299-315. ISSN UNSPECIFIED


Thorburn, Julie (2016) Masters of Science (Advanced Practice - practice education). Masters thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED


Van der Colff, L. and Podivinsky, E. (2008) Cooking DNA: The effect of 'domestic' cooking methods on detection of GM potato. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 43 (12). pp. 2105-2112. ISSN 1365-2621 UNSPECIFIED

Van der Merwe, F. H. and Burden, S. B. and Maulder, P. S. (2010) Core-training using the Bodywall™ training system versus a conventional gym-based approach: Effects on core endurance. In: New Zealand Sports Medicine and Science Conference, 18-20 November, 2010, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED


Xie, Congmin Z. and Healy, Terry and Robinson, Peter and Stewart, Kevin (2008) Determination of EDTA in dairy wastewater and adjacent surface water. In: Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp. 50-54. UNSPECIFIED


Zhou, Hong (2022) Fabrication of titanium coatings for medical device applications. Materials Science Forum, 1054. pp. 3-7. ISSN 1662-9752 UNSPECIFIED

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