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Jonathon Ryan

Research Operations Manager

Research Office

PhD, MA (Applied) (1st class hons), PGDipSLT (Distinction), BA

Wintec | Te Pūkenga

L2 Reference, L2 listening, Miscommunication, CA-for-SLT, Transdisciplinarity

International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), ALANZ, TESOLANZ, Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS)

Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Reference, Miscommunication, Second Language Listening, Green Applied Linguistics, L1 Literacy in SLA,,

Jonathon Ryan is an applied linguist and is Research Operations Manager at Wintec | Te Pūkenga. His main research interests include second language reference and miscommunication (the subject of his PhD thesis, 2012), listening in a second language, and the influence of first language literacy in second language acquisition. His work adopts linguistic, qualitative and quantitative approaches, and draws on the approach to language and interaction of Conversation Analysis. At Wintec he has supervised postgraduate students through the Master of Applied Innovation, and at PhD level through the University of Waikato.

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Latest Additions

  1. Ryan, Jono Miscommunicated referent tracking in L2 English: A case-by-case analysis. [Journal item] Ryan, J. (2023). Miscommunicated referent tracking in L2 English: A case-by-case analysis. IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 61(4), 1543-1575.
  2. Field, Jenny and Ryan, Jonathon The influence of prior schooling on second language learning: A longitudinal study with former refugees. [Journal item] Field, J., & Ryan, J. (2022). The influence of prior schooling on second language learning: A longitudinal study with former refugees. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 28(2), 52-68.
  3. Wang, Yi and Ryan, Jonathon and Gao, Xuesong (Andy) (2022) Data analysis. In: Narratives of Qualitative PhD Research Identities: Languages and Cultures in Transition. Routledge, pp. 79-93. Wang, Y., Ryan, J., & Gao, X. (2022). Data analysis. In Guerney, L., Wang, Y., & Barnard, R. (Eds.), Narratives of qualitative PhD research identities: Languages and cultures in transition (pp. 79-93). Abingdon, England: Routledge.
  4. Ryan, Jonathon and Wang, Yi and Lin, Angel M. Y (2022) Literature review. In: Narratives of Qualitative PhD Research Identities: Languages and Cultures in Transition. Routledge, pp. 52-65. Ryan, J., Wang, Y., & Lin, A.M.Y. (2022). Literature review. In Guerney, L., Wang, Y., & Barnard, R. (Eds.), Narratives of qualitative PhD research identities: Languages and cultures in transition (pp. 52-65). Abingdon, England: Routledge.
  5. Ryan, Jonathon (2021) Listening in interaction: Understanding projection. In: Listening in the classroom: Teaching students how to listen. TESOL Press, pp. 123-138. UNSPECIFIED
  6. Ryan, Jonathon (2020) Days crossing: Inside the process of creating dramatic ELT video content. Modern English Teacher, 29 (4). pp. 73-75. ISSN 0308-0587 UNSPECIFIED
  7. Ryan, Jonathon and Crosthwaite, Peter (2020) Referring in a second language: Studies on reference to person in a multilingual world. Routledge, Abingdon, England. UNSPECIFIED
  8. Ryan, Jonathon (2020) Under-explicit and minimally explicit reference: Evidence from a longitudinal case study. In: Referring in a Second Language: Studies on Reference to Person in a Multilingual World. Routledge, Abingdon, England, pp. 100-118. ISBN 9780367208943 UNSPECIFIED
  9. Ryan, Jonathon and Nakahama, Yuko and Tarau, Maria and Rabbidge, Maria (2019) Skippers pass: Intermediate resource book. Alphabet Publishing, Branford, CT. UNSPECIFIED
  10. Ryan, Jonathon and Granville, Scott (2019) The suitability of film for modelling the pragmatics of interaction: Exploring authenticity. System, 89 (2). UNSPECIFIED