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Items where Subject is "H Social Sciences (General)"

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Number of items at this level: 328.


Page, Debbie and Zorn, Ted (eds.). (2007) Management communication: New Zealand and Australian case studies. Pearson Education New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand. ISBN 9781877371356 UNSPECIFIED

Braunias, Stephen and Gaddum, Georgie and Stratford, Stephen and Ridder, Geoff (2013) Lunch and journalism: The Wintec Press Club. Stephen Braunias, Print House, Hamilton. UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary and Beddoe, Liz (2010) Best practice in professional supervision: A guide for the helping professions. Jessica Kingsley Press, London, England. ISBN 9781843109952 UNSPECIFIED

Field, Kingsley and Tuna, Te Haunui and Gaddum, Georgie (2013) Just being out there. Kingsley FIeld, Print House, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen (2011) Art for social change: Submerged histories of Aaniwaniwa. Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand. ISBN 9781877510069 UNSPECIFIED

Healy, Susan and Huygens, Ingrid and Murphy, Takawai (2012) Ngapuhi speaks: He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Independent Report on Ngapuhi Nui Tonu claim. Te Kawariki & Network Waitangi Whangarei, Whangarei, New Zealand. ISBN 9780473229818 UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Processes of Pakeha change in response to the Treaty of Waitangi (international edition). VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN 9783639255560 UNSPECIFIED

McLachlan, Andre and Waitoki, Waikaremoana and Cherrington, Lisa (2020) Kei Whea a Mauri Tau? WINTEC, Waikato. ISBN 978-1-877510-19-9 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2010) Developing a model of mental health support work practice: A holistic approach to mental health support work. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 9783838398112 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2009) A practical guide to mental health support work. B. Pace, Wellington, New Zealand. ISBN 9781877534713 UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2013) Bogan: An insider's guide to metal, mullets, and mayhem. Penguin, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Walter, Brenda and Riches, Gabby and Snell, Dave and Bardine, Bryan (2016) Heavy Metal Studies and Popular Culture: Leisure Studies in a Global Era. Palgrave McMillan, London. ISBN 978-1137456670 UNSPECIFIED

Book Chapter

Beddoe, Liz and Davys, Allyson Mary (2009) Interprofessional learning for professional/clinical supervision. In: ANZAME: Bridging Professional Islands: Tuesday 30 June - Friday 3 July 2009: Hotel Grand Chancellor, Launceston, Tasmania: Handbook. UTAS, p. 127. ISBN 9780980578706 UNSPECIFIED

Black, Rose and Huygens, Ingrid (2007) Pakeha culture and psychology. In: Professional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Psychological Society, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 49-66. ISBN 9780473124694 UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary (2007) Making the most of supervision: A supervisee’s guide. In: Clinical Supervision in Aotearoa/New Zealand : A Health Perspective. Pearson Education New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 26-42. ISBN 9781877371394 UNSPECIFIED

France, Adrian (2006) An alternative approach to surveying management accounting practices. In: ICAFT 2006 Conference Proceedings. University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Greenwood, Sallie (2015) Sex, gender and sexual orientation. In: Cultural Safety in Aotearoa New Zealand. Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 222-232. ISBN 9781107477445 UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Brougham, David and Roche, Maree (2011) Collectivism, cultural identity and employee wellbeing: A study of New Zealand Maori. In: Proceedings: Stream 9: Open Stream: APROS 2011: 28 November – 1 December 2011: Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland University of Technology, pp. 73-83. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree (2010) Direct and indirect benefits of whanau connections for Maori employees: Toward satisfaction and mental health outcomes. In: LEW Published Papers. Victoria Management School, Victoria University of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree and Ten Brummelhuis, Lieke (2011) A daily diary study of work-life balance: Utilizing a daily process model. In: Proceedings of the 25th ANZAM Conference: The Future of Work and Organisations. Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2014) Co-creating visual theories of change with Treaty and decolonization activists. In: Ethnographic Worldviews: Transformations and Social Justice. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789400769151 UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Does a social movement require higher ethics than the academy? Following feminist and anti-racism movement ethics for rich research outcomes within and beyond psychology. In: Abstracts of the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology. International Association of Applied Psychology, p. 439. ISBN 9780909881467 UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2012) Engaging with Maori: Using our heads and hearts. In: New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists & New Zealand Psychological Society Joint National Conference 2012: Tutahitanga: Standing together as one. New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Psychology of decolonisation: How may a coloniser contribute to decolonising change? In: Abstracts of the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology. International Association of Applied Psychology, pp. 463-464. ISBN 9780909881467 UNSPECIFIED

Lamdin, Rain (2012) Communicating with babies and young children. In: Communication Across the Lifespan. Oxford University Press, pp. 30-47. ISBN 9780195585148 UNSPECIFIED

Lamdin Hunter, Rachel and Beaton, Angela and Leeder, Stephen and Guilford, Martin and Inall, Yvonne (2015) How access to health care affects population health. In: Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health. Oxford University Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 100-120. ISBN 9780199661756 (In Press) UNSPECIFIED

Liu, Liangni Sally and Ran, Guanyu Jason (2021) Bold words, a hero or a traitor? – Fang Fang’s diaries of the Wuhan lockdown on Chinese social media. In: Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities. Bristol University Press, Bristol, pp. 97-108. ISBN 978-1529218961 UNSPECIFIED

Mandelberg, John (2011) A day in the life of... In: Village On The Hill: Celebrating 125 years of Waikato Hospital. Waikato District Health Board (DHB), Hamilton, New Zealand. ISBN 9480473200473 UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier (2014) Public Good | Economic Zone - Xavier Meade. In: Public Good. Ramp Press, Hamilton NZ, p. 77. ISBN 978-0-473-28673-6 UNSPECIFIED

Mercer, Christine and Best, Glennis (2016) Parkinson’s Disease: The support partner’s role in the person with Parkinson’s Levels of Wellness. In: Rehabilitation for parkinson's Disease. Avid Science, India, pp. 2-23. UNSPECIFIED

Page, Debbie (2007) NUTS: Good for a change. In: Management Communication: New Zealand and Australian Case Studies. Pearson Education New Zealand. ISBN 9781877371356 UNSPECIFIED

Page, Debbie (2007) Using case studies in teaching management communication. In: Management Communication: New Zealand and Australian Case Studies. Pearson Education New Zealand, pp. 12-15. ISBN 9781877371356 UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Roberton, Garry (2010) Assess NACCQ conferences with NZCS Code of Practice? In: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Education and Research in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 23rd Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications (NACCQ), Hamilton, New Zealand, pp. 354-355. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Roberton, Garry (2010) NZCS and Communities of Practice (CoP): Where to? In: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Education and Research in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 23rd Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications (NACCQ), Hamilton, New Zealand, pp. 350-351. UNSPECIFIED

Rakena, Blaine and Fisher, Darrell (2010) As proud as we are: A journey of educational achievement and learning for mature Maori computing students. In: Envisioning the future: The role of curriculum materials and learning environments in educational reform: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. The 6th SMTE Organizing Committee, pp. 423-432. ISBN 9789577525772 UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2010) Leader aspirations and job satisfaction: The moderating effect of leadership position. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference (NZABE): 2010 Proceedings. Eastern Institute of Technology. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2010) Perceived autonomy support, need satisfaction and burnout: A study of New Zealand leaders. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference (NZABE): 2010 Proceedings. Eastern Institute of Technology. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2010) Self-determination theory and inter-role performance: The moderating effects of perceived autonomous support. In: LEW Published Papers. Victoria Management School, Victoria University of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2011) Towards a comprehensive model of managers wellbeing: The role of self-determination theory. In: Conference Proceedings: Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management: Paris Dauphine, May 17-19, 2011. Paris-Dauphine University, pp. 234-252. UNSPECIFIED

Roodt, Henk (2016) Complexity. In: Large Scale Systemic Change: Theories, Modelling and Practices. Nova Science Publishers. UNSPECIFIED

Talbot, Wendy (2016) Humor takes the stage: A performance of couples' humor. In: Global South ethnographies: Minding the senses. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 31-58. ISBN ISBN:978-94-6300-494-7 (e-book) UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard (2014) Feature writing Riddle, Charles and Walker, Richard (2014) Feature writing. In: Intro.A beginner's guide to journalism in 21st century Aotearoa/New Zealand. NZJTO, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 218-234. (hide). In: Intro: A beginner's guide to journalism in 21st-century Aotearoa/New Zealand. NZ Journalists Training Organisation, pp. 218-233. ISBN ISBN 978-0-473-26642-4 UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2016) Colonial Legislation, Dominant Discourses, and intergenerational trauma. In: The Australian and New Zealand Handbook of Criminology, Crime and Justice. Springer International Publishing, Gewerbestrasses: Switzerland. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David and Wiri, Rapata (2016) Transforming Maori experiences of historical intergenerational trauma- Chapter in a book. in: Matthews, N, Warriner, V and Kayes, P.H. (Eds). Indigenous social science research @ Awanuiārangi 2016. Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, Whakatāne, New Zealand. In: Indigenous social science research @ Awanuiārangi 2016. Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi, Whakatane. (In Press) UNSPECIFIED

Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings

Citizen, Joe (2014) Eye knew new - navigating world views in panorama. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Kearney, Celine Patricia (2014) Environmental sustainability: An integral aspect of peace and security. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

May, Janet and Stanfield, Deborah (2010) Experienced supervisors reflect on an increasingly legislated supervision practice environment. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Shaw, Bill (2013) The use of film as a teaching tool in social work education: An investigative study. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2016) Social workers and social media in changing times: Look out you rock ‘n rollers [Conference powerpoint slides]. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Angela and Spence, Deb (2018) Critical thinking: A perpetual paradox. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Yaeghoobi, Ehsan and Munshi, Debashish and Roper, Juliet (2014) Transparency as a product of processes of power and liquid modernity: a conceptual paper. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Journal item

Hyslop, Ian and Stanfield, Deborah (2017) New Horizons and Strong Foundations. [Journal item] UNSPECIFIED

Kerr, Vicki J. (2022) Sampling and the performance of knowledge - one bird at a time. [Journal item] (In Press) UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2015) “Big brains” and the modernisation of Child, Youth and Family. [Journal item] UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2014) Social media in social work education. [Book Review]. [Journal item] UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2017) The politics of saying sorry: Making good on intentions. [Journal item] UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2015) The sudden importance of social media to social workers in New Zealand [Blog post]. [Journal item] UNSPECIFIED

Yaghi, Esra and Ryan, Jono ‘Because you’re all covered up’: Islamophobia in the ELT classroom. [Journal item] Yaghi, E., & Ryan, J. (2022). ‘Because you’re all covered up’: Islamophobia in the ELT classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 56(4), 1345-1368.


Citizen, Joe (2019) Tōia Mai: Speculating art and reality at the hyphen in Aotearoa-New Zealand. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Dalgety, Abby (2022) Youth and New Zealand alcohol advertising on social media. Masters thesis, Waikato Institute of technology. Dalgety, A. (2022). Youth and New Zealand alcohol advertising on social media [Masters thesis, Waikato Institute of Technology]. Wintec Research Archive.

Greenwood, Sallie (2010) Will the real mother please stand up: The ambiguity of maternal doubles. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, University of Auckland. UNSPECIFIED

Lamdin Hunter, Rachel (2017) "She watches over her household": Wellbeing of mothers and children in motherled households. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Manasseh, Sharon (2020) The impact of the performance-based research fund on accounting academics’ life in universities in New Zealand. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

McDonald, Christine (2018) Working collaboratively in Hospice and palliative care: Sharing time (Doctoral thesis, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand). Retrieved from ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Rabbidge, Michael (2017) The role beliefs about language use play in the social construction of the EFL classroom. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Ran, Guanyu Jason (2021) Family finds a way: Experiences of multigenerational transnational new Chinese immigrant families in New Zealand. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2016) Social work and social media in Aotearoa New Zealand (PhD Research Proposal, The University of Auckland: School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work, Auckland, New Zealand). Other thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2019) The professional use of social media by social workers in Aotearoa New Zealand. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2013) Transforming Māori Experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi Indigenous University. UNSPECIFIED

Wood, Brent (2014) Masters of Management Studies. Masters thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Graduate student work

Huxut, Naheya (2017) Naheya Huxut, Master's Student Practical video production. Traditional and contemporary Mongolian culture represented in documentary. [Graduate student work] UNSPECIFIED

Mandelberg, John and Barron, Jessica (2015) Master of Arts (Communication endorsement)Jessica Soutar Barron. [Graduate student work] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Mandelberg, John and Geng, Zetian (2015) Masters Zetian Geng (Tony). [Graduate student work] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Sugumaran, Richard Philip (2020) Transmedia storytelling in the public sphere. [Graduate student work] UNSPECIFIED

Media arts item

Citizen, Joe and Clark, Natalie Maria and Macpherson, Kent and Berry, Megan and Thorne, Rob and Cruse, Jaimee (2015) {presence} an interactive dance event. [Media arts item] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe and Elliott, Zena and Nicholls, Antony and Long, Jason (2015) He whare kōrero, he māramatanga. [Media arts item] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe and Hattingh, Gert and Fendall, Andy and Long, Jason (2016) The Waikato Matrix. [Media arts item] UNSPECIFIED

Kerr, V J (2021) Airways. [Media arts item] (Submitted) Kerr, V. (2022). Airways [Video]. Wintec Research Archive.


Beaton, Angela (2016) He Pikinga Waiora Implementation Framework. He Pikinga Waiora, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Greenwood, Sallie (2017) How do older farming quad bike users navigate risk in relation to quad bike accidents? N/A, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

May, Janet (2016) Collective Explorations of Pedagogy. Wintec, Hamilton. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

O’Loughlin, Kim and Snell, Dave (2013) Letter of Invitation: Auckland Art Gallery. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2016) Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Journal. ANZASW. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah and Keddell, Emily and Hyslop, Ian (2016) Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Journal Special Issue: Child protection, the family and the state: critical responses in neoliberal times. ANZASW, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2013) Maori experiences of historical intergenerational trauma: Responding to Maori deficit statistics: Presentation to funder [PowerPoint slides]. Dr Rawiri Waretini-Karena. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2013) He Manawa Whenua International Indigenous Conference 2013 & Conference Proceedings Paper pp275-287. Kotahi Research Institute, Hamilton. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2015) Key Note Speaker: Wiri Prison- Transforming Maori experiences of Historical Intergenerational trauma. Dr Rawiri Waretini-Karena, Auckland. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2014) Key Note: Speaker: Te Ao Marama Unit- Waikeria Prison and Tai Aroha Prison residential community based program. Dr Rawiri Waretini-Karena, Wintec. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2016) Native Affairs Television interview- Breaking the Cycle. Maori Television, Waikato Institute of Technology. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2013) Ngarimu VC & 28th Maori Battalion Doctoral Scholar Recipient 2013. 28th Maori Battalion and the Ministry of Education, Parliament Wellington. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2014) Presenter - Verbatim: Act of Murder 2014. Written by William Brandt, devised by William Brandt and Miranda Harcourt, The University of Auckland. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2016) Putaketanga Model. Nga Pae O Te Maramatanga, Auckland. (In Press) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2013) Te Atawhi O Te Ao: Doctoral Scholar recipient. Te Atawhai O Te Ao, Whanganui. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2016) Te Kaea News Interview: Maori academic critises prison policy at urgent Waitangi Tribunal Hearing. Te Kaea- Maori Television, Wellington. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2016) Te Karere interview: Waitangi Claim that the NZ Crown and Corrections are failing Maori. Te Karere, Wellington. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2013) Transforming Maori experiences of historical intergnerational trauma. Dr Rawiri Waretini Karena. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2016) Waitangi Tribunal submitted evidence: Tom Hemopo #Wai Claim 2540. BRAITHWAITE & SMAIL LIMITED, Auckland. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Journal article

Adamson, Carole and Beddoe, Liz and Davys, Allyson Mary (2014) Building resilient practitioners: Definitions and practitioner understandings. British Journal of Social Work, 44 (3). pp. 522-541. ISSN 1468-263X UNSPECIFIED

Bannister, Matthew (2005) Kiwi blokes: Recontextualising white New Zealand masculinities in a global setting. Genders OnLine, 42. UNSPECIFIED

Beckett, Alesha and Gilbertson, Sarah and Greenwood, Sallie (2007) Doing the right thing: Nursing students, relational practice, and moral agency. Journal of Nursing Education, 46 (1). pp. 28-32. ISSN 0148-4834 UNSPECIFIED

Beddoe, Liz and Davys, Allyson Mary and Adamson, Carole (2011) Educating resilient practitioners. Social Work Education. ISSN 0261-5479 UNSPECIFIED

Beddoe, Liz and Davys, Allyson Mary and Adamson, Carole (2014) ‘Never trust anybody who says “I don’t need supervision”’: Practitioners’ beliefs about social worker resilience. Practice: Social Work in Action, 26 (2). pp. 113-130. UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2020) Inaction is also action: Attempting to address Pākehā paralysis. Scope: Contemporary Research Topics (Learning & Teaching), 9. pp. 81-84. ISSN 1179-951X UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2012) Cultural safety: Towards postcolonial counselling practice? British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 40 (3). pp. 205-220. ISSN 1469-3534 UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2010) Finding a forum for counsellor educators. Counselling Today: Nga Korero Awhina, 30 (4). pp. 30-31. ISSN 1178-7147 UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2010) In support of registration. Counselling Today: Nga Korero Awhina, 31 (1). pp. 37-38. ISSN 1178-7147 UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2009) Interpreting “partnership” as a core value: Some implications of the Treaty of Waitangi for the NZAC Code of Ethics. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 29 (2). pp. 61-72. UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2012) NZAC life member: Whaea Tuti Aranui. Counselling Today: Nga Korero Awhina, Oct. ISSN 1178-7147 UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Kathie and Cahill, Fran and Flanagan, Paul and Franklin, John and McGill, Robyn and Stewart, Angela and Whalan, Mary and Mulcahy, Diane (2010) Possibilities and limits of cross-disciplinary supervision: An exploratory study. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 29 (2). pp. 25-46. ISSN 1171-0365 UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary (2008) Reviews: Social work and human services best practice. Social Work Education: The International Journal. ISSN 1470-1227 UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary and Beddoe, Liz (2008) Interprofessional learning for supervision: 'Taking the blinkers off'. Learning in Health and Social Care, 8 (1). pp. 58-69. ISSN 1473-6861 UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary and Beddoe, Liz (2009) Reflective learning model: Supervision of social work students. Social Work Education, 28 (8). pp. 919-933. ISSN 0261-5479 UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary and May, Janet and Burns, Beverley and O'Connell, Michael (2017) Evaluating social work supervision. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 29 (3). pp. 108-121. UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary and O'Connell, Michael and May, Janet and Burns, Beverley (2016) Evaluation of professional supervision in Aotearoa/New Zealand: An interprofessional study. Int J Mental Health Nurs.. ISSN 1447-0349 UNSPECIFIED

Flintoff, Vivianne and Rivers, Shirley (2012) A reshaping of counselling curriculum: Responding to the changing (bi)cultural context. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 40 (3). pp. 235-246. ISSN 1469-3534 UNSPECIFIED

France, Adrian (2010) Scholarly activity of successful business researchers in the tertiary sector - research proposal. Research in Higher Education Journal, 9. ISSN 1941-3432 UNSPECIFIED

Fyers, Katrina and Greenwood, Sallie (2016) Cultural safety: becoming a reflexive practitioner. Nursing Review, 16 (5). ISSN 1175-2904 UNSPECIFIED

Fyers, Katrina and Greenwood, Sallie (2016) Cultural safety: developing self-awareness through reflective practice. Nursing Review, 16 (2). pp. 28-29. ISSN 1175-2904 UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen (2016) Social workers' perceptions of multi-disciplinary team work: A case study of health social wokrers at a major regional hospital in New Zealand. Social workers' perceptions of multi-disciplinary team work: A case study of health social workers at a major regional hospital in New Zealand., 28 (1). pp. 25-33. ISSN 2463-4131 UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen and Rivers, Shirley (2009) Caucusing: Creating a space to confront our fears. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 21 (1 & 2). pp. 60-71. ISSN 1178-5527 UNSPECIFIED

Greenwood, Sallie (2015) Discussing Death Matters. Dynamics of Human Health, 2 (4). ISSN 2382-1019 UNSPECIFIED

Greenwood, Sallie (2014) The invisibility of maternal dyads. Dynamics of Human Health, 1 (1). ISSN 2382-1019 UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree and Taylor, Daniel (2012) Work–family conflict and turnover intentions of indigenous employees: The importance of the whanau/family for Maori. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (12). pp. 2546-2560. ISSN 1466-4399 UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2011) Developing a decolonisation practice for settler-colonisers: A case study from Aotearoa New Zealand. Settler Colonial Studies, 1 (2). pp. 53-81. ISSN 1838-0743 UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2006) Discourses for decolonisation: Affirming Maori authority in New Zealand workplaces. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 16 (5). pp. 363-378. ISSN Online 1099-1298 Print 1052-9284 UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Implications of the Treaty of Waitangi in our work. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Kearney, Celine Patricia (2016) Imagining peace_ One hundred years of WILPF in Aotearoa new Zealand. Women's Studies Journal, 30 (1). pp. 56-61. ISSN 1173-6615 UNSPECIFIED

Kearney, Celine Patricia (2017) Narrative Inquiry: Writing historiography. New Zealand Journal of Publication History, 1 (5). pp. 19-24. ISSN 2253-153X UNSPECIFIED

Kearney, Celine Patricia (2015) Southern Celts: Narrative as method and text. Te Reo: Journal of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand, 56/57. pp. 127-144. ISSN 0494-8440 UNSPECIFIED

Kearney, Celine Patricia (2015) Southern Celts: Narrative as method and text. Te Reo: Journal of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand, 56&57. ISSN 0494-8440 UNSPECIFIED

Liu, Liangni Sally and Ran, Guanyu Jason (2020) Ethnic solidarity in combating the COVID-19 threat in New Zealand. global-e, 13 (47). ISSN 1932-8060 UNSPECIFIED

McLachlan, Andre and Waitoki, Waikaremoana (2020) Collective action by Māori in response to flooding in the southern Rangitīkei region. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. UNSPECIFIED

Mercer, Christine (2015) Mercer, C. (2015). The impact of non-motor manifestations of Parkinson’s disease on partners: understanding and application of chronic sorrow theory. Journal of Primary Health Care, 7(3), 221-227 2015;7(3):221–227. Journal of Primary Health Care, 7 (3). pp. 221-227. UNSPECIFIED

Miles, Lynne M (2010) What about Jack? Counselling Today: Nga Korero Awhina, 31 (1). p. 40. ISSN 1178-7147 UNSPECIFIED

O'Malley, Lynne Marie and Greenwood, Sallie (2018) Female coaches in strength and conditioning: Why so few? Strength & Conditioning Journal, 40 (6). pp. 40-48. ISSN 1533-4295 UNSPECIFIED

Okoro, Ogechi (2017) Inserting Extant Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities of International Oil Companies (IOCs) in the Niger Delta Region (NDR) in Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR: A Case of Generalizability. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 10 (3). pp. 11-22. ISSN 1923-6662 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2010) Healthcare professionals and service user's perception of mental health support workers. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 14 (2). pp. 57-66. ISSN 1475-7192 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2009) How New Zealand mental health support workers perceive their role. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 13 (2). pp. 5-10. ISSN 1475-7192 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2009) Organisational views of the mental health support workers role and function. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 14 (1). pp. 29-33. ISSN 1475-7192 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2009) Preliminary comparison between the roles of support workers and social workers in community mental health services. Aotearoa New Zealand social work, 21 (3). pp. 33-37. ISSN 1178-5527 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2011) Social work - Support work partnership: Improving quality and continuity of care. Platform Trust: Collaborate, Connect, Network. UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2010) Why mental health support work needs research. Platform Trust: Collaborate, Connect, Network. UNSPECIFIED

Page, Debbie and Zorn, Ted and Cheney, George (2000) Nuts about change: Multiple perspectives on change-oriented communication in a public sector organization. Management Communication Quarterly, 13 (4). pp. 515-566. UNSPECIFIED

Rabbidge, Michael (2017) Embracing Reflexivity: The Importance of Not Hiding the Mess. TESOL Quarterly, 51 (3). ISSN 1545-7249 UNSPECIFIED

Ran, Guanyu Jason (2020) Liu, L.S., Chinese transnational migration in the age of global modernity: The case of Oceania, routledge studies in Asian diasporas, migrations and mobilities. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 61 (3). pp. 577-578. ISSN 1467-8373 UNSPECIFIED

Ran, Guanyu Jason and Join-Lambert, Hélène (2020) Influence of family hosting on refugee integration and its implication on social work practice: The French case. European Journal of Social Work, 23 (3). pp. 461-474. ISSN 1369-1457 UNSPECIFIED

Ran, Guanyu Jason and Liu, Liangni Sally (2021) “Forced” family separation and intergenerational dynamics: Multi-generational new Chinese immigrant families in New Zealand. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 16 (1). pp. 148-167. ISSN 1177-083X UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree (2010) Learning authentic leadership in New Zealand: A learner-centred methodolgoy and evaluation. American Journal of Business Education, 3 (3). pp. 71-80. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2010) Leader aspirations and job satisfaction: The moderating effect of leadership position. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management, 10 (3). pp. 174-184. ISSN 1175-5407 UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2010) Work-family interface predicting needs satisfaction: The benefits for senior management. e-Journal of Social & Behavioural Research in Business, 1 (1). pp. 12-23. ISSN 1838-8485 UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2013) A metamodel approach towards Self-Determination Theory: A study of New Zealand managers’ organisational citizenship behaviours. International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 1466-4399 UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Rolley, Carollyn (2011) Workplace wellbeing on Maungataturi Mountain: The connection between ecological restoration and workplace happiness. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 27 (2). pp. 115-146. ISSN 2157-8834 UNSPECIFIED

Saadeh, Ahmed and Allen, Jackie (2020) Challenges and lessons from conducting audit research using social media. Challenges and lessons from conducting audit research using social media, 9 (4). pp. 353-373. ISSN 2041-8698 UNSPECIFIED

Saunders, Sue and Davys, Allyson Mary (2007) Informing for consent: The challenges across language, culture and gender. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review, 19 (2). pp. 12-21. ISSN 0113-7662 UNSPECIFIED

Shahtahmasebi, Said and Aupouri-Mclean, Caroll (2011) Bereaved by suicide. Primary Health Care: Open Access, 1 (1). ISSN 2167-1079 UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2014) The Black Sheep of the Family: Bogans, borders and New Zealand society. International Journal of Community Music, 7 (2). pp. 273-291. ISSN 17526299 UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2014) The New Zealand Bogan: Thrash Metal Sub-culture or Community? Leisure Studies Newsletter, 98. UNSPECIFIED

Stanbury, Jane and Davys, Allyson Mary and Beddoe, Liz (2011) Books, reports & media reviews: Best practice in professional supervision: A guide for the helping professions. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 25 (4). p. 311. ISSN 1469-9567 UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah and Beddoe, Liz (2016) Social Work and Social Media in Aotearoa New Zealand: Educating Social Workers across Shifting Boundaries of Social Work Identity. Social Work Education. ISSN Online ISSN: 1470-1227 UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah and Beddoe, Liz (2014) Social work and the media: A collaborative challenge. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 25 (4). pp. 41-51. ISSN 1178-5527 UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah and Beddoe, Liz and Ballantyne, Neil and Lowe, Simon and Renata, Nicole (2017) Critical conversations: Social workers' perceptions of the use of a closed Facebook group as a participatory professional space. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Journal, 29 (3). pp. 42-54. ISSN 2463-4131. UNSPECIFIED

Talbot, Wendy (2015) "It's not till you actually see it you believe it": How therapy recordings can make a difference for clients. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 34 (4). pp. 13-28. ISSN ISSN: 1195-4396 UNSPECIFIED

Waipara-Panapa, Aroha and Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Psychologists practising in the presence of history. Psychology Aotearoa, 2 (2). pp. 120-123. ISSN 1179-397X UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard (2012) Meanwhile: The little things that count. Waikato Times. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2012) Takitoru: From parallel to partnership: A ritual of engagement based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi for implementing safe cultural practice in Māori counselling and social science. Mai Journal, 1 (1). pp. 61-75. ISSN 2230-6862 UNSPECIFIED

White, Stephen (2008) Chickens, roads and recovery in mental health: Part I. Planet 401: The Newsletter of the Centre 401 Trust. pp. 6-7. UNSPECIFIED

White, Stephen (2009) Chickens, roads and recovery in mental health: Part II. Planet 401: The Newsletter of the Centre 401 Trust. pp. 6-7. UNSPECIFIED

White, Stephen (2009) Chickens, roads and recovery in mental health: Part III. Planet 401: The Newsletter of the Centre 401 Trust. pp. 6-8. UNSPECIFIED

Yeung, Deniss (2008) E-Learning preferences of international students: The Shandong University of Technology Study (SDUT). Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 5 (4). pp. 63-70. ISSN 1544-0389 UNSPECIFIED


Pace, Barnaby (2010) 'A fine line': Mental health support workers strive to define their role. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2010) 'A fine line': Mental health support workers strive to define their role: Research notes. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2018) Gender pay equity for social workers in Aotearoa New Zealand PODCAST. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Conference or Workshop Item

Barton, Hannah and Roche, Maree and Horn, Christine (2011) Does service learning enhance personal growth and resilience? An international comparison of New Zealand and Irish students wellbeing. In: Second World Congress on Positive Psychology, 23-26 July, 2011, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. UNSPECIFIED

Beddoe, Liz and Davys, Allyson Mary (2009) Interprofessional learning for professional/clinical supervision. In: Faculty of Education: Research Expo, 19 February, 2009, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Bruce-Mayne, Julia and Potgieter, Christo (2010) Towards integrated reflective practice: Linking collaboratively with communities in teaching. In: SHAKE-UP: New Perspectives in Business Research and Education: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference (NZABE) 2010, 27-28 September, 2010, Napier, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Chamberlain, Paula (2011) Student responses to BAppSocSci teaching about Treaty/bicultural practice/working with Maori. In: Kakano Rua: Bicultural Practice Research Seminar, 31 March, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Chamberlain, Paula (2012) Student responses to BAppSocSci teaching about Treaty/bicultural practice/working with Maori. In: CSWEANZ (Council of Social Work Educators Aotearoa New Zealand) Fieldwork Educators sub committee: National Group, 22 June, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2011) Cultural safety: A resource for, or, a challenge to our practice? In: Kakano Rua: Bicultural Practice Research Seminar, 31 March, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2013) Developing a counselling outcome research project. In: NZAC Research Conference, 12 December, 2013, Te Kopu Mania Marae, Wintec, Hamilton. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2011) Let's talk about cultural safety. In: New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) Annual Conference 2011, 21-23 July, 2011, Whangarei, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2009) Pakeha counsellors’ bicultural journeys: Claiming Pakeha identity and working towards partnership. In: New Zealand Association of Counsellors Conference: Tumanakotia te Mahi Tahi - Doing Hope Together, 17-20 September, 2009, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2010) Research and NZAC: What do you think Nat Exec should consider, do, not do? In: New Zealand Association of Counsellors Research Conference, 24-25 June, 2010, Tauranga, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2010) Subject, object: Overlapping discursive effects? In: New Zealand Association of Counsellors Research Conference, 24-25 June, 2010, Tauranga, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2010) Who might work with whom? Deconstructing restraints of gender and culture. In: Counsellor Education Community Day, 9 November, 2010, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary and Beddoe, Liz and Adamson, Carole (2011) Defining resilience in social workers. In: Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers: Annual General Meeting & Celebrating Social Workers Day 2011, 28 September, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Flanagan, Paul and Flintoff, Vivianne (2010) Ménage a trois complexity of external supervision. In: Aotearoa Professional Supervision Conference 2010: Professional Supervision: Common threads, different patterns, 29 April - 1 May, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Flintoff, Vivianne and Flanagan, Paul (2009) Exploring the landscapes of external supervision. In: New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) Conference 2009: Tumanakotia te Mahi Tahi – Doing hope together, 17-20 September, 2009, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Flintoff, Vivianne and Flanagan, Paul (2010) Exploring the landscapes of external supervision. In: Home Grown Hope, May 29, 2010, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Flintoff, Vivianne and Rivers, Shirley (2010) Our responsibilities in shaping our counselling curriculum: What do we teach counselling students in Aotearoa New Zealand and why do we teach in these ways? In: Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) Conference 2010, 30 September - 2 October, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Flintoff, Vivianne and Rivers, Shirley (2011) Weaving indigenous Tangata Whenua and western counselling theory and practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. In: Kakano Rua: Bicultural Practice Research Seminar, 31 March, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

France, Adrian (2007) Lessons learned of an emerging academic researcher: The first three years. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2007, 26-28 September, 2007, Dunedin, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

France, Adrian (2008) Review of factors and activities contributing to proficient academic business researchers. In: ITP New Zealand 5th Biennial Research Conference Forum Conference, 2-3 October, 2008, Tauranga, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen (2011) Public art for social change: Aaniwaniwa submerged histories. In: Public Art for Social Change, 3 October, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen and Rivers, Shirley (2009) Caucusing: Creating a space to confront our fears. In: 20th Asia Pacific Social Work Conference 2009, 11-13 November, 2009, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen and Rivers, Shirley (2011) Caucusing: Creating space to confront fears. In: Kakano Rua: Bicultural Practice Research Seminar, 31 March, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen and Rivers, Shirley (2008) Exploring caucusing as a teaching methodology. In: 6th NZAC Research Conference: Realising Research Rigour, 20-21 November, 2008, Christchurch, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Greenwood, Sallie (2010) Destabilising dynamics of envy in co-mother relationships. In: 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2-5 August, 2010, Cambridge, England. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Greenwood, Sallie (2012) Overview of research: Two mothers. In: Centre for Health and Social Practice Research Open Day, 17 August, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree (2011) Work-family conflict and turnover intentions amongst indigenous employees: The importance of the whanau/family for Maori. In: Community, Work and Family IV International Conference, 19-21 May, 2011, Tampere, Finland. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree (2011) Work-family conflict, job satisfaction, depression and turnover intentions: A cross-national study. In: Work-Life: Cross-national Conversations. Context theorizing in work-life research, 17 May, 2011, Paris, France. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2012) Emotions in social change: Pākeha respond to Māori experiences of colonization. In: 2012 International Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD) Hui, 21-23 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Ethnographic research with the Pakeha Treaty movement: "Being a group that is changing". In: Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD) Hui 2010, 17-19 November, 2010, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2009) ‘Honouring the Treaty’ in New Zealand organisations. In: Health Care Aotearoa Hui-a-tau, 9-10 March, 2009, Whanganui, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2009) ‘Honouring the Treaty’ in New Zealand organisations. In: Northern Primary Healthcare Group Professional Development Day, 25 March, 2009, Whangarei, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2011) Implications of the Treaty of Waitangi in our work. In: Professional Development Programme: New Zealand Psychological Society, April, May, June, October, December, 2011, Five workshops throughout NZ. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2009) Pakeha processes of change in Aotearoa today. In: NorthTec Waitangi Seminar, 5 February, 2009, Whangarei, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Pakeha undo dominance: Speaking of Treaty journeys. In: Whiteness/Whitemess: Creative disorders and hope: A 'critical' gathering, 15-16 May, 2010, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Preparing ourselves for dialogue with Maori. In: 4th International Indigenous Conference: Matauranga Taketake: Traditional Knowledge, 6-9 June, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2009) State of our nation: Waitangi Day 2009. In: Annual State of our Nation Debate, 6 February, 2009, Waitangi Festival, Te Tii marae, Waitangi, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Taking the Pakeha family with us: Images of decolonisation. In: Whiteness/Whitemess: Creative disorders and hope: A 'critical' gathering, 15-16 May, 2010, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2010) Visual theories of change: Awakenings from colonisation. In: Inaugural Research Seminar: Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, 9 July, 2010, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid and Rata, Arama and Margaret, Jen (2010) Building just relationships: Examples of indigenous and non-indigenous engagement. In: 4th International Indigenous Conference: Matauranga Taketake: Traditional Knowledge, 6-9 June, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Miles, Lynne M (2009) Can you juggle while riding a unicycle on a tightrope? In: New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) Conference 2009: Tumanakotia te Mahi Tahi – Doing hope together, 17-20 September, 2009, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Oxenham, Tania (2012) The pedagogical basis of Wānanga as a model of learning. In: Te Toi Tauira mō te Matariki: Where innovation prompts initiative, 25-27 September, 2012, Dunedin, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Rivers, Shirley (2010) Treaty considerations for social workers. In: Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers Regional Meeting, 23 July 2010, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree (2011) Positive organisational behaviour: Implications for leadership and HR. In: Human Resources Institute of New Zealand (HRINZ): March Networking Event, 29 March, 2011, Rotorua, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2011) Aspirations and job burnout: A study of New Zealand managers. In: Community, Work and Family IV International Conference, 19-21 May, 2011, Tampere, Finland. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2011) Motivations, work-family enrichment and job satisfaction: An indirect effects model. In: Community, Work and Family IV International Conference, 19-21 May, 2011, Tampere, Finland. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2011) Self-determination theory and job outcomes: The moderating effects of perceived autonomous support. In: Academy of Management 71st Annual Meeting: West meets East: Enlightening. Balancing. Transcending., 12-16 August, 2011, San Antonio, Texas. UNSPECIFIED

Shaw, Bill (2013) Culturally competent practice: Challenges and implications for social work professionals. In: Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers: Waikato Branch: Professional Development Workshop, 12 March, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Shaw, Bill (2012) Culturally safe practice. In: Centre of Health and Social Practice Research Forum, 13 July, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Silva, Dhammika and Roche, Maree (2010) Contribution of psychological capital to entrepreneurs success during recessionary times. In: SHAKE-UP: New Perspectives in Business Research and Education: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference (NZABE) 2010, 27-28 September, 2010, Napier, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Smith, Kelly and Stanfield, Deborah (2013) Exploring hesitancy in professional decision making around children & young people at risk: Managing apprehension. In: Children in Crisis Conference, 7-9 October 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Smith, Mere and Rivers, Shirley (2008) Where have all the flowers gone? Kua ngaro ngā putiputi ki whea? A paucity of indigenous early childhood student teachers in mainstream education? In: World Indigenous Peoples' Conference on Education: Indigenous Education in the 21st Century - Respecting Tradition, Shaping the Future, 7-11 December, 2008, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2012) Bogans. In: Spark International Festival of Media, Arts and Design, 13-17 August, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2013) Bogans' heroes: Thrash metal in the public eye. In: Heavy Metal and Popular Culture Conference, 4-7 April, 2013, Bowling Green, Ohio. UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2012) Crossing the "divide": Virtual ethnography in the "real world". In: 2012 International Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD) Hui, 21-23 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave and Hodgetts, Darrin and McLeay, Colin (2012) Embodying identity through tattooing: Autoethnography and the “bodyscape”. In: 2012 International Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD) Hui, 21-23 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2013) A collaboration between the educators of social workers and journalists: Seeking inspiration in the literature of interprofessional education. In: Collaborating Across Borders IV (CABIV): Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformative Change from the Classroom to Practice, 12-14 June, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Angela and Flanagan, Paul and Crocket, Kathie (2010) Possibilities and limits of cross-disciplinary supervision: An exploratory study. In: Aotearoa Professional Supervision Conference 2010: Professional Supervision: Common threads, different patterns, 29 April - 1 May, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Angela and Zorn, Ted (2007) Responding to negatively emotive e-mails within organizations: Communicative strategies and their origins. In: 2007 NCA Annual Convention Communicating Worldviews: Faith - Intellect - Ethics, 15-18 November, 2007, Chicago, IL.. UNSPECIFIED

Taylor, Beverly (2012) Rejuvenation through learning innovation and student engagement. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2012: Enhance, Engage, Educate, 1-3 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Taylor, Beverly and Grant, Bill (2012) Innovative approaches for student group work. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2012: Enhance, Engage, Educate, 1-3 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Ten Brummelhuis, Lieke and Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree (2012) Managers’ boundary management: How leaders’ family-to-work interference affect their followers’ outcomes. In: Work and Family Researchers Network Inaugural Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Work and Family, 14-16 June, 2012, New York, New York. UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard and Clokie, Trish (2013) Mentoring for the modern newsroom. In: The age of mobile news/Jeanz 2013 conference, Nov 28-29, 2013, AUT, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard and Riddle, Charles (2013) Project-based learning: Local body elections. In: The Age of Mobile News/ Jeanz 2013, Nov 28-29, 2013, AUT, Auckland. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard and Stanfield, Deborah (2012) The difficulty in reporting diversity: Training journalists to see outside the stereotype. In: 24th Annual NZCA (New Zealand Communication Association) Conference: Divergence, 26-27 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2011) Takitoru: From parallel to partnership: A ritual of engagement based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi for safe cultural practice in Maori counselling and social science. In: World Indigenouse Peoples' Conference on Education (WIPCE) 2011, 14-18 August, 2011, Cusco, Peru. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2012) Maori experiences of historical intergenerational trauma and transformative pedagogies. In: Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund, 19 November, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2013) Maori experiences of historical intergenerational trauma and transformative pedagogies. In: He Manawa Whenua Indigenous Research Conference 2013, 30 June - 3 July, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2012) Maori experiences of historical intergenerational trauma and transformative pedagogies (full version). In: MAI Doctoral Conference 2012, 30 November - 2 December, 2012, Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Yeung, Deniss (2012) My second life: A survey of Chinese immigrants in New Zealand. In: 2012 Bangkok International Academic Conference, 12-14 March, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. UNSPECIFIED

Curating an exhibition or other artistic event

Meade, Xavier and Meade, Roberto (alias REO) (2018) Paralelos Urbanos. [Curating an exhibition or other artistic event] UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier and Meade, Roberto (alias REO) (2016) Urban Parallels at Ramp Gallery. [Curating an exhibition or other artistic event] UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier and meade, Reo (2020) Ojos que no quieren ver, corazon que quiere sentir / optica III. [Curating an exhibition or other artistic event] UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard (2017) Linking the city. [Curating an exhibition or other artistic event] UNSPECIFIED

Contribution to a Show/Exhibition

Citizen, Joe and Cook, David and Long, Jason and Macpherson, Kent and McConnell, Luke and Nelson, Paul and Nicholls, Simon and Purdom, Mark and Veling, Tim J. and Williams, Naomi V and Young, Stefanie A (2014) Survey Hamilton. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe and Long, Jason (2014) Oh yes we are. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe and Long, Jason (2016) Silence is Golden. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Kerr, Vicki (2017) Tower : Mobile utopia: Art and experiments exhibition. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Purdom, Mark (2017) Linking the City exhibition: Final stage [photograph]. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Facilitating a session at a conference, workshop or other event

Limpus, Wade (2018) Mental health well-being in tertiary education 2023. [Facilitating a session at a conference, workshop or other event] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Limpus, Wade (2018) Mental health well-being in tertiary education 2023. [Facilitating a session at a conference, workshop or other event] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David and Huygens, Ingrid (2016) Rethinking relationships Part 2: A strengths-based approach to responsiveness to Māori - A workshop for Social Service workers, Managers and Board Members. Rethinking relationships: A strengths-based approach to responsiveness to Māori , Hamilton, New Zealand, November 4 2016. [Facilitating a session at a conference, workshop or other event] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings

Greenwood, Sallie (2006) Conversations in Context: Cultural Safety and reflexivity in child health. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Harnett, Denise (2016) Sport Sponsorship from a Small Business Perspective. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard and Riddle, Charles (2017) Exploring a new journalism curriculum: some thoughts. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings

Citizen, Joe and Elliott, Zena and Nicholls, Antony and Long, Jason (2015) He whare korero, he māramatanga floor talk. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Kearney, Celine Patricia (2019) Southern Celts: Land as landscape, external and internal landscapes. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

May, Janet and Davys, Allyson Mary and Burns, Beverley and O'Connell, Michael (2017) Getting to Grips with Evaluation in Supervision. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2015) Bogans and Heavy Metal music. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2014) Hamilton's 150th Anniversary: Pechakucha 19 - Dave Snell. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2015) Heavy Metal music and comic books: Or that time Archie met Gene Simmons. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2014) Pechakucha 19: Dave Snell. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2017) Social work kete: Designing social media use in Aotearoa New Zealand (pre-presentation to Wintec staff). [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah and Beddoe, Liz (2015) Social work and social media in Aotearoa New Zealand: Forging new boundaries. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @ CHASP Research 20 May, 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @ Faculty of Law University of Auckland October 2nd 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @ Nursing & Midwifery c/o Fiona Herman 24th June 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @ Te Roopu ō iwi ō Te Arawa Social Services September 8th 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @ Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi Master’s program April 27th 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @ Waikato Tainui Taarere aa Taawhaki seminar June 26th 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @ the International Indigenous Development research Conference c/o Ngā Pae o Te Maramatanga @ The University of Auckland November 25-28 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) PhD Thesis Presentation- Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @ Te Tai Aroha – Addictions & treatment program for Inmates c/o Corrections 28 March, 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2014) Key Note Presenter Ngāpuhi Speaks & PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma for Psychology Department & social service agencies alongside Dr Ingrid Huygens @ Te Ara Hou - Anglican Action, August 1st 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2014) Key note Speaker PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @ Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Gisborne July 25-27 2014. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED


Pace, Barnaby (2009) Comparison study between support worker and social worker roles in community mental health services. Discussion Paper. B. Pace. UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2009) Mental health support workers perception of ethical practice: Discussion paper. Discussion Paper. B. Pace. UNSPECIFIED

Moving image

Mandelberg, John (2016) Lewis Morley, Photographer Double DVD set. [Moving image] UNSPECIFIED

Snowden, Nigel and Snell, Dave (2015) Bogans. [Moving image] UNSPECIFIED

Organising or hosting a conference, workshop or other event

May, Janet and Talbot, Wendy and Crocket, Alastair (2017) New Association of Counsellors Annual Research Conference 2017. [Organising or hosting a conference, workshop or other event] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings

Abarashi, Jamal and Ferguson, Shelagh (2010) Exploring interpersonal lending practices as a form of temporary disposition of meaningful obsessions. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Aupouri-Mclean, Caroll (2014) From grief to growth: Transformation of suicide survivors. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Aupouri-Mclean, Caroll (2014) No time to say goodbye: Whanau bereaved by suicide. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Aupouri-Mclean, Caroll (2014) Tu Mai Maori. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Ballantyne, Neil and Beddoe, Liz and Lowe, Simon and Stanfield, Deborah and Hyslop, Ian (2016) To post, or not to post: Social workers' perceptions of the use of a closed Facebook group as a participatory public space. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Burns, Beverley and Davys, Allyson Mary and May, Janet and O'Connell, Michael (2015) Evaluating Professional Supervision in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A multidisciplinary collaborative study. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary and Burns, Beverley (2015) Evaluating Professional Supervision in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A multidisciplinary collaborative study. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen (2021) Caucusing: Creating space to confront our fears.... Twelve years on. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen (2015) Multi-disciplinary teams at Waikato Hospital - View from Social Workers. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen (2015) Multi-disciplinary teams at Waikato Hospital - the view from social workers. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Kearney, Celine Patricia (2021) Language support for new New Zealanders: Strategies for meeting language development needs of refugee-background learners. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Kearney, Celine Patricia (2014) Southern Celts: An autoethnographic narrative journey. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Kearney, Celine Patricia (2016) Southern Celts: An ethnographic journey. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

May, Janet (2016) Collective Explorations of Pedagogy. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

May, Janet and Burns, Beverley and Davys, Allyson Mary and O'Connell, Michael (2015) The evaluation of professional supervision: an interprofessional perspective. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

May, Janet and O'Connell, Michael and Davys, Allyson Mary and Burns, Beverley (2015) The evaluation of professional supervision: an interprofessional perspective. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

McDonald, Christine (2012) Collaborative practice in the palliative care environment. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

McDonald, Christine (2011) Interprofessional collaboration in a New Zealand palliative care environment - research proposal. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

McDonald, Christine (2014) Revisiting where it began - researching collaborative practice in palliative care. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

McDonald, Christine and McCallin, Antoinette and MacLeod, Rod (2012) Collaboration and communication - what is one without the other. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier and Mandelberg, John and McBride, Chris and Phillips, John (2017) Zagreb, 4x3 Peter project | proyecto de carteles. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2015) Ngaio Marsh's New Zealand Gothic. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (In Press) UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2013) Bogans: Works of art. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2017) Social work and social media: Educating for a networked profession. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stanfield, Deborah (2018) Social work kete: Designing social media use in Aotearoa New Zealand. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Talbot, Wendy (2014) Client’s retellings of witnessing conversations from counselling. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Tautari, Hagen and Horo, Horomona and Citizen, Joe (2020) Te Maramataka. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) PhD Presentation Transforming Māori experiences of Presentation of PhD Thesis titled Transforming Maori Experiences of Historical Intergenerational Trauma @Te Ao Marama Unit Waikeria Prison c/o Corrections. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) Rethinking relationships: A strengths-based approach to responsiveness to Māori - A workshop for Social Service workers, Managers and Board Members. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2014) Transforming historical intergenerational trauma. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2015) Transmission Of Maori Narratives. He Manawa Whenua International Indigenous Conference 2015. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Poster presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings

Stewart, Angela (2018) Kicking hornets nests: An occupational hazard. [Poster presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED


Cain, Trudie and Terruhn, Jessica and Ran, Guanyu Jason and Irvine, Janine (2020) Living with diversity: Negotiating difference in Northcote. [Report] UNSPECIFIED

Greenwood, Sallie (2013) What are the intrapersonal and interpersonal factors that contribute to a ‘successful’ open adoption relationship between the two mothers? A pilot study. [Report] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Irvine, Janine and Ran, Guanyu Jason and Terruhn, Jessica and Cain, Trudie (2020) Ageing and wellbeing in Northcote. [Report] UNSPECIFIED

Ran, Guanyu Jason and Cain, Trudie and Irvine, Janine and Terruhn, Jessica (2020) Meanings and experiences of community among older adult residents of Northcote. [Report] UNSPECIFIED

Research Team, Rangatahi (2014) Rangatahi Research Project Phase 1: Annotated Bibliography. [Report] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave and Hopper, Daniel and Jury, Carolyn (2015) Social and Affordable Housing in Thames-Coromandel District. [Report] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Terruhn, Jessica and Irvine, Janine and Cain, Trudie and Ran, Guanyu Jason (2020) Urban regeneration and community building in Northcote. [Report] UNSPECIFIED

Wilkinson, Laura and Cleaver, De (2018) An appreciative inquiry to midwifery education in Aotearoa. [Report] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Student Project

Duffield, Deborah (2010) Ce qu’on voit dans les rues = That which one sees in the streets. [Student Project] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Grant, Alexander Neill (2010) Popular culture and church musical practice. [Student Project] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED


Citizen, Joe (2011) Beatstreet Graf crew 2010. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) Mr Sterile Assembly – Hamilton Fringe Festival 2011. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) Te Marama. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) Waikato University Occupation 1999. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Seven, Sharp and Snell, Dave (2013) What makes a Bogan? [Video] UNSPECIFIED

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 01:30:39 2025 UTC.