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Items where Subject is "LC5201 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education"

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Number of items at this level: 60.


Bartlett, Sue and Sampson, Peter (2010) Step Forward to management training. In: Facts, figures and future-proofing: The hospitality industry now and looking ahead, 11 October, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Bigham, Aidan (2015) Distance learning - making activity the centre. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Bigham, Aidan (2014) Teaching engineering geology in a blended inverted classroom. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Bigham, Aidan and Prabhu, Sunitha (2020) A case study of work-integrated learning (WIL) within Design Factory New Zealand. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED


Citizen, Joe and Mandelberg, John (2011) Reflections on teaching television: Collaboration, immersion and ownership. In: Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators (ANZAAE): Power, Community, Materiality Conference 2011, 20-22 July, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clokie, Trish (2012) Creating a culture through convergence of technology and discussion. In: The Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2012: Tūtakitanga: Confluence and Convergence, 28 -29 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clokie, Trish and Fourie, Elna (2016) Graduate Employability and Communication Competence: Are Undergraduates Taught Relevant Skills? Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 79 (4). pp. 411-422. ISSN 1080-5699 UNSPECIFIED


Edwards, Susan (2019) Book review: Mindset for IELTS. [Journal item] UNSPECIFIED

Edwards, Susan and Haultain, Adie (2015) TESOL@Wintec Newsletter #4. Graduate Diploma in TESOL programme, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Edwards, Susan and Haultain, Adie and Newport, Anthea (2015) Working with International and other EAL (English as an Additional Language) students. [Facilitating a session at a conference, workshop or other event] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Edwards, Susan and Newport, Anthea (2015) Working with EAL students. [Facilitating a session at a conference, workshop or other event] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED


Field, Jenny (2019) “Whenever I go somewhere I have to take my daughters” - An enquiry into the progress and the strategies used for L2 Literacy Acquisition by former refugee adults in New Zealand. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Field, Jenny and Ryan, Jonathon The influence of prior schooling on second language learning: A longitudinal study with former refugees. [Journal item] Field, J., & Ryan, J. (2022). The influence of prior schooling on second language learning: A longitudinal study with former refugees. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 28(2), 52-68.

Fourie, Elna (2016) Chairing graduate panel at 2016 Spark Festival of Media Arts and Design. [Facilitating a session at a conference, workshop or other event] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Fourie, Elna and Page, Debbie (2011) Leaps and bounds, or a technological divide in the communication classroom. In: 23rd Annual NZCA (New Zealand Communication Association) Conference: Convergence, 12-13 December, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED


Greyling, Willfred (2015) Analysing learners’ literacy and numeracy (LN) progress at Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) for the period 2012-2014 (Two-page summary). [Report] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Greyling, Willfred Tracking literacy development in the tertiary sector: educationally and statistically significant learner gain. [Journal item] Greyling, W. (2023). Tracking literacy development in the tertiary sector: Educationally and statistically significant learner gain. In Scope: Contemporary Research Topics. Learning and teaching 12: November 2023.

Greyling, Willfred and Ahmad, Farzana (2019) Numeracy gains at the Waikato Institute of Technology Wintec) for 2018. [Report] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Greyling, Willfred and Ahmad, Farzana and Wallace, Nika (2020) Developing a whole-of-organisation perspective on literacy-embedding practices at Wintec: Multiple perspectives on a selection of 2019 Wintec cohorts. [Report] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Greyling, Willfred and Ahmad, Farzana and Wallace, Nika (2020) Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (LNAT) tool reading progress for targeted Wintec learners in 2019. [Report] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Greyling, Willfred and Du Toit, Pieter (2008) Pursuing a constructivist approach to mentoring in the higher education sector. South African Journal of Higher Education, 22 (5). pp. 957-980. ISSN 1011-3487 UNSPECIFIED

Greyling, Willfred and McKnight, Evelyn (2010) Aligning the activities in the literacy-embedding value chain at the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec). In: Making the Links: Learning, Teaching and High Quality Student Outcomes: Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the New Zealand Association of Bridging Educators. Dept of Foundation Studies, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 56-77. ISBN 9780473189358 UNSPECIFIED

Gunasinghe, Umesha and Khanna, Prashant (2019) GDPR employee awareness. [Poster presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED


Harris, Trudy (2015) A Multi-Disciplinary Project to Enhance Workplace Readiness. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Haseley, Laura (2013) Curriculum development: The SESP project. In: Centre for Languages Academic Hour, 1 March, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Haseley, Laura (2013) Exploring tolerance of ambiguity and teacher/learner beliefs in ESL. In: Centre for Languages Academic Hour, 3 May, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Haseley, Laura (2013) Future studies and note-taking. In: ALANZ ALAA Conference, 27-29 November, 2013, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Haseley, Laura (2013) What does an IELTS 6.0 student look like: And how can we help support these students? In: Inspire 2013: Bridge to Tomorrow: Diversity and Working Together, 2 August, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Haseley, Laura (2013) Working with students from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In: WaikatoTESOL seminar, 11 April, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED


Khanna, Prashant (2019) Cognitive education framework for cyber security: A collaborative community approach aligning to tenets of Ako. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED


Magee, Jenny and Engelsman, Loryn and De Salis, Georgie (2015) Here for good: What new arrivals need to fit in, be productive and stay. Here For Good, 1 (1). BLUB, New Zealand. ISBN 9780473324032 UNSPECIFIED

McDonald, Christine and Liddell, Jan (2017) Flipped Learning and its application to undergraduate nursing education. Dynamics of Human Health, 4 (1). ISSN 2382-1019 UNSPECIFIED

Mischefski, Anna Julia and Otto, Rika (2016) Teacher Talk: Developing Interactional Competence. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Morgan, Sheryl and Haseley, Laura and Jordan, Lee-Ann and Lawrence, Richard (2013) What have we learned from China and Saudi? In: Inspire 2013: Bridge to Tomorrow: Diversity and Working Together, 2 August, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED


Otto, Helen (2012) Autonomy and the interconnectedness of the learning environment. In: Independent Learning Association 2012 Conference New Zealand (ILA 2012): Autonomy in a Networked World, 30 August - 2 September, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Otto, Helen (2012) New models of learning and staff development are emerging from the combination of delivery methodologies such as blended, place-based and service-training. [Poster presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Otto, Helen (2013) Online pre-arrival learning to reduce culture shock. In: LED2011: Refereed conference proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. ISBN 9780473240219 UNSPECIFIED

Oxenham, Tania (2012) The pedagogical basis of Wānanga as a model of learning. In: Te Toi Tauira mō te Matariki: Where innovation prompts initiative, 25-27 September, 2012, Dunedin, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Oxenham, Tania (2012) A pedagogical understanding of wānanga as a model of learning within Wintec: How wānanga is used as a model of learning under Wintec's Blended Learning Strategy. In: Kia pihi ai te mahi ngatahi: Working together: Planting the Seed ATLAANZ (Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand) 2012 Conference, 21-23 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED


Pace, Barnaby (2011) Engagement, retention, completion and evaluation: A New Zealand tertiary education view. Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP). ISBN 9783845413099 UNSPECIFIED

Phillips, Brent (2015) Engineering Distance education projects. Wintec. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Phillips, Brent (2016) Online project collaboration and on-campus implementation. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2010) Fables from Wind: What stories about the wind teach us to communicate. In: Winds of Change: Communication in a changing world: NZCA 2010 Annual Conference. Weltec, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Pitts, Warwick and Moore, Margi and Thomas, Josephine (2012) Train the teacher programmes: Wintec/Chengdu University collaboration. In: 2012 Education Forum for Asia Annual Conference: Asia Education: Towards a more properous and better future, 21-23 September, 2012, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. UNSPECIFIED


Rakena, Blaine and Joyce, Donald (2017) Factors affecting the educational achievement of mature Māori information technology students: A case study. Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology, 21 (1). ISSN 2230-4398 UNSPECIFIED

Roodt, Corli and James, Liz (2014) Growing midwifery leaders. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED


Sampson, Peter (2010) Free technology to promote flexible learning. EA Journal, 26 (1). pp. 83-90. ISSN 1449-4496 UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2012) Identifying learner support needs through the use of a digital and information literacy self-assessment framework. In: ALT-C 2012: A Confrontation with Reality, 11-13 September, 2012, Manchester, England. UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2012) Removing barriers to nursing student success through technology competency training. In: NET2012: 23rd International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, 4-6 September, 2012, Cambridge, United Kingdom. UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2011) Workshop 2b: Working towards best practice: Educational mobility. In: Third International m-libraries Conference: Mobile Technologies: Information on the move, 11-13 May, 2011, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2013) m cubed: MOOCs, micro-ecosystems and metadata. In: 2013 Annual ITP Library Managers' Forum, 10-12 July, 2013, Tutukaka, Northland, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane and Clayton, John (2009) Development of a conceptual model to evaluate effectiveness and impact of e-learning. In: NET2009: 20th International Networking for Education in Healthcare Conference: Abstracts for Symposia and Posters. Jill Rogers Associates Ltd, pp. 32-33. UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane and Clayton, John (2009) Development of a quality assurance conceptual model for e-learning. In: NET2009: 20th International Networking for Education in Healthcare Conference: Abstracts for Symposia and Posters. Jill Rogers Associates Ltd, pp. 33-34. UNSPECIFIED

Sarla, Kumari and AL-Rawi, Mohammad (2021) Collaborating for a changing future in education. [Item presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Strydom, Kalie and Greyling, Willfred and Strydom, Francois (2008) Racism at Free State - anticipating the future. University World News: The global window on higher education (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1756-297X UNSPECIFIED


Van Wyk, Arlys and Greyling, Willfred (2008) Developing reading in a first-year academic literacy course. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SpilPlus), 2008 (38). pp. 205-219. ISSN 2223-9936 UNSPECIFIED


Waterhouse, Peter and Smith, Mark and Greyling, Willfred and Aubrey, Annette and Gough, David (2011) Leadership panel: Enabling management for making a difference. In: National Centre of Literacy and Numeracy for Adults 2011 Symposium: Getting results: Making a difference for New Zealanders. Me Whai Hua Ka Tika, 30 June - 1 July, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Wilkinson, Laura and Cleaver, De (2018) An appreciative inquiry to Midwifery education in Aotearoa. [Poster presented at a conference, workshop or other event which was not published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Wojcikowski, Eva (2016) Teaching (or not teaching) grammar in an ESL classroom. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Wu, Shaoqun and Fitzgerald, Alannah and Witten, Ian and Yu, Alex (2018) Automatically augmenting academic text for language learning: PhD abstract corpora with the British library. In: Handbook of Research on Integrating Technology Into Contemporary Language Learning and Teaching. IGI-Global, pp. 512-537. ISBN 9781522551409 UNSPECIFIED

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