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Items where Year is 2011

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Number of items: 224.

Riddle, Charles (ed.). (2011) The village on the hill: Celebrating 125 years of Waikato Hospital. Waikato District Health Board, Hamilton, New Zealand. ISBN 9780473200473 UNSPECIFIED

Bahrehmand, Arash and Rafeh, Reza (2011) Proposing a New Metric for Collaborative Filtering. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 4 (7). pp. 411-416. ISSN 1945-3116 UNSPECIFIED

Bannister, Matthew (2011) The Changing Same. [Composition] UNSPECIFIED

Bannister, Matthew (2011) Habitus and creativity in popular music. In: Bourdieu hui@Waikato, 15 November, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Bannister, Matthew (2011) Happy Camping: The Topp Twins perform Aotearoa/New Zealand. Instruments of Change. pp. 15-20. UNSPECIFIED

Barton, Hannah and Roche, Maree and Horn, Christine (2011) Does service learning enhance personal growth and resilience? An international comparison of New Zealand and Irish students wellbeing. In: Second World Congress on Positive Psychology, 23-26 July, 2011, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. UNSPECIFIED

Beaton, Angela and Essue, Beverley and Hull, Catherine and Gillespie, James (2011) Specialist palliative care: Current and future service challenges. In: Emerging Health Policy Research Conference, 17 August, 2011, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Beaton, Angela and Essue, Beverley and Hull, Catherine and Gillespie, James (2011) ‘Travelling alongside’: Patients’, carers’ and health care professionals’ experiences of the Calvary Health Care Bethlehem model of specialist palliative care. Project Report. Menzies Centre for Health Policy, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Beddoe, Liz and Davys, Allyson Mary and Adamson, Carole (2011) Educating resilient practitioners. Social Work Education. ISSN 0261-5479 UNSPECIFIED

Burden, S. B. (2011) NZQA massage review of qualifications (TRoQ). NZQA. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Burns, Karen Mary Bernadette (2011) Bound to please: The 'presence' of the philistine: Sarah Lucas unleashes the ghost in contemporary art. [Student Project] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Cabral, L and Nassif, C and Silami-Garcia, Emerson (2011) A contribuicao de cada modalidade no tempo total de performance no triathlon. Mundo Tri Magazine, Nov.. UNSPECIFIED

Chamberlain, Paula (2011) Student responses to BAppSocSci teaching about Treaty/bicultural practice/working with Maori. In: Kakano Rua: Bicultural Practice Research Seminar, 31 March, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Chen, Siaw Wee (2011) Investigating syllabus change: A framework. In: School of English Language Academic Hour, 25 February, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) Beatstreet Graf crew 2010. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) Born in ASU – Meteor Theatre 2002. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) From vision to sense: When TV becomes a game. ANZAAE Journal, 21 (2). ISSN 1175-6500 UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) From vision to sense: When TV becomes a game. In: ANZAAE (Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators) 2011 Conference: Power, Community, Materiality, 20-22 July, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) Mr Sterile Assembly – Hamilton Fringe Festival 2011. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) Te Marama. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2011) Waikato University Occupation 1999. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe and Mandelberg, John (2011) Reflections on teaching television: Collaboration, immersion and ownership. In: Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators (ANZAAE): Power, Community, Materiality Conference 2011, 20-22 July, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2011) Curricula of the future: A case study. In: Inspire 2011: Future Working Spaces and Learning Places, 12 August, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2011) Educational conferencing with Scopia. In: 29th Tertiary ICT Conference: The Future of Service, 29-31 August, 2011, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2011) Findings from the deployment of an online learning environment survey. In: 2011 International Conference on Internet Study (NETs2011). Academy of Taiwan Information System Research. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2011) Investigating online learning environments efficiently and economicaly. In: Proceedings of International Distance Education Conference (iDEC) 2011 [CD]. Universiti Sains Malaysia. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2011) Participant perceptions of accessing clinical nursing procedures within an e-environment. In: Australasian Nurse Educators Conference 2011, 23-25 November, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2011) Reflective-frameworks and international education: Rethinking, teaching, learning and the curriculum: A case study. In: Cambridge International Conference on Open, Distance and e-Learning: Internationalisation and Social Justice: the role of Open, Distance and e-Learning: Collected Conference Papers and Abstracts: September 2011. The Von Hügel Institute, St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, in association with The Open University and The Commonwealth of Learning, Cambridge, England, pp. 74-85. ISBN 9781780073231 UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2011) Rise of managed virtual learning environments. In: Inspire 2011: Future Working Spaces and Learning Places, 12 August, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2011) Self-reflective frameworks and portfolios: Promoting empowerment models of learning: A New Zealand case study. In: Equity in Education: The 4th International Conference on Educational Reform (ICER 2011). Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand, pp. 60-69. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John and Iwata, Jun (2011) A blended learning model for English language learning in Japan. In: shar-E-fest 2011, 11-12 July, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John and Posa, Mark (2011) Integrated Systems Learning Environment (ISLE). In: WCELfest2011 Presentation Materials. University of Waikato. UNSPECIFIED

Clear, Tony and Roberton, Garry and Smith, Lesley (2011) It was a great idea at the time. In: 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Broadening the view of IT Education, 5-8 July, 2011, Rotorua, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Cook, David (2011) Arbor Day portrait series. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Cook, David (2011) Naming baby. In: Pecha Kucha Night: Hamilton #8, 17 August, 2011, Atrium, Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Cook, David (2011) Survey Hamilton begins in AJ Seeley Gully. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2011) Cultural safety: A resource for, or, a challenge to our practice? In: Kakano Rua: Bicultural Practice Research Seminar, 31 March, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2011) Let's talk about cultural safety. In: New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) Annual Conference 2011, 21-23 July, 2011, Whangarei, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Croucher, Tim (2011) Smoker (2010). [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Curtis, Mark (2011) DEATH OF GAY CULTURE - ASSIMILATION IS NIGH. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Curtis, Mark (2011) The Diana Suite - Burnt with Tea Mix. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Curtis, Mark (2011) Untitled; and Untitled II. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Davys, Allyson Mary and Beddoe, Liz and Adamson, Carole (2011) Defining resilience in social workers. In: Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers: Annual General Meeting & Celebrating Social Workers Day 2011, 28 September, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Deo, Sukh (2011) Mentoring of small firms. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference (NZABE 2011): Rebuilding, Regrowth, Rejuvenation: Business, Education and Practice (R3BEP), 10-12 October, 2011, Nelson, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Donaldson, Andrea (2011) Characterising the dynamics of expirated bloodstain pattern formation using high-speed digital video imaging. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 125 (6). pp. 757-762. ISSN 0937-9827 UNSPECIFIED

Essue, Beverley and Beaton, Angela and Hull, Catherine and Gillespie, James (2011) Economic hardship at the end of life: The experiences of patients and carers receiving specialist palliative care. In: Emerging Health Policy Research Conference, 17 August, 2011, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Flintoff, Vivianne and Rivers, Shirley (2011) Weaving indigenous Tangata Whenua and western counselling theory and practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. In: Kakano Rua: Bicultural Practice Research Seminar, 31 March, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Fourie, Elna and Page, Debbie (2011) Leaps and bounds, or a technological divide in the communication classroom. In: 23rd Annual NZCA (New Zealand Communication Association) Conference: Convergence, 12-13 December, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

France, Adrian (2011) Successful and less successful outsourcing implementations. In: ANZAM ’11 The Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management: 9th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium: Deakin University, Geelong, Australia: Wednesday 15 – Friday 17, 2011. Deakin University, pp. 262-274. UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen (2011) Art for social change: Submerged histories of Aaniwaniwa. Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand. ISBN 9781877510069 UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen (2011) Public art for social change: Aaniwaniwa submerged histories. In: Public Art for Social Change, 3 October, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Giles, Rebecca Helen and Rivers, Shirley (2011) Caucusing: Creating space to confront fears. In: Kakano Rua: Bicultural Practice Research Seminar, 31 March, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Gourdie, John (2011) MYOB as an Accounting Information System: Is it time for a 501 curriculum refocus? In: New Zealand Applied Business Educators (NZABE) Conference 2011: Rebuilding - Regrowth - Rejuvenation. Nelson Marlborough Institue of Technology (NMIT). UNSPECIFIED

Gousmett, Lesley and Potgieter, Christo (2011) Programming 1 – Local pass rate improvements. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 298-299. UNSPECIFIED

Granville, Scott and Woollen, Ben (2011) Lily White. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Greenberg, Henry and Raymond, Susan and Beaton, Angela and Colagiuri, Ruth and Leeder, Stephen (2011) Chronic diseases: The urgent need for action. In: Routledge Handbook in Global Public Health. Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 365-372. ISBN 9780415778480 UNSPECIFIED

Greyling, Willfred (2011) Implementing the Tertiary Education Commission's literacy and numeracy assessment tool at an ITP: The evolving picture. In: National Centre of Literacy and Numeracy for Adults 2011 Symposium: Getting results: Making a difference for New Zealanders. Me Whai Hua Ka Tika, 30 June - 1 July, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Greyling, Willfred (2011) Raising awareness of classroom constructs: An application of Kelly's repertory grid technique. Acta Academica, 43 (3). pp. 166-191. ISSN 0587-2405 UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Brougham, David and Roche, Maree (2011) Collectivism, cultural identity and employee wellbeing: A study of New Zealand Maori. In: Proceedings: Stream 9: Open Stream: APROS 2011: 28 November – 1 December 2011: Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland University of Technology, pp. 73-83. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree (2011) Work-family conflict and turnover intentions amongst indigenous employees: The importance of the whanau/family for Maori. In: Community, Work and Family IV International Conference, 19-21 May, 2011, Tampere, Finland. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree (2011) Work-family conflict, job satisfaction, depression and turnover intentions: A cross-national study. In: Work-Life: Cross-national Conversations. Context theorizing in work-life research, 17 May, 2011, Paris, France. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree and Ten Brummelhuis, Lieke (2011) A daily diary study of work-life balance: Utilizing a daily process model. In: Proceedings of the 25th ANZAM Conference: The Future of Work and Organisations. Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management. UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) About face: Aspects of portraiture (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (138). p. 15. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Allan McDonald: Six petrol stations and a garden with barbed wire; and Chris Corson-Scott: Photographs (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (140). ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Angus [Cook], Rita [Henrietta] (Catherine). In: Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press. UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) "But what has all this to do with nationalism?" A response to Mark Stocker's "Devaluing the pound". In: Symbolising New Zealand: Papers Presented at the Centre for Research on National Identity at the University of Otago, 9-10 September 2010. Centre for Research on National Identity, Dunedin, New Zealand, pp. 81-86. ISBN 9780473183684 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Culbert, Bill [William] (Franklin). In: Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press. UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Driver, Don(ald Sinclair). In: Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press. UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Euan Macleod: The painter in the painting; and Alan Pearson: Expressionist portraits (Book review). Art New Zealand (137). pp. 78-79. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Fantastica: The Art of Leo Bensemann (Book review). Art New Zealand (138). pp. 82-84. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Forging relationships: A conversation with Greer Twiss. Art New Zealand (137). pp. 24-31. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Martin Edmond: Dark night: Walking with McCahon; and Julian Dashper: This is not writing (Book review). Art New Zealand (140). pp. 88-93. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Moving faster than thought: A conversation with Dick Frizzell. Art New Zealand (139). pp. 36-43. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) New Zealand: Painting and graphic arts: 1900 - 1990. In: Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press. UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) New Zealand: Painting and graphic arts: 1990 and after. In: Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press. UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Paintings paintings (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (138). p. 14. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Photography (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (139). p. 27. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Roy Good: Triangles, octagons and lintels. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Sam Harrison: New sculpture & paperworks (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (139). p. 26. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2011) Séraphine Pick: Torn up phrases (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (140). ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hickey, Nathan and France, Adrian (2011) Management leadership style impact on organisation culture in an accounting firm context. [Student Project] UNSPECIFIED

Hickey, Nathan and France, Adrian (2011) An accounting firm leadership style and culture. In: Auckland Region Accounting Conference 2011: Conference Papers. AUT. UNSPECIFIED

Hooker, Tracey (2011) Research findings on peer coaching in initial teacher education programmes. In: First China-New Zealand International Conference on Early Childhood Education, 9-10 June, 2011, Chengdu, China. UNSPECIFIED

Hooker, Tracey and Bleaken, Frances (2011) Training on the job: How do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice, recognise and respond to children's learning. In: Nanny Education Organisation of New Zealand (NEONZ) Conference, 25-27 May, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Hope, Celia (2011) Women with preschoolers: A learning community. In: 3rd International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity (LED 2011), 23-25 November, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Hunt, Tim D. (2011) Any language you choose internationalization of a children's email application. In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Engineering and Information Management. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Chengdu, China, V3-34-V3-38. ISBN 9781424497706 UNSPECIFIED

Hunt, Tim D. and Cartner, Marg and Menon, Sreelatha (2011) Using email to teach literacy. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 306-307. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2011) Developing a decolonisation practice for settler-colonisers: A case study from Aotearoa New Zealand. Settler Colonial Studies, 1 (2). pp. 53-81. ISSN 1838-0743 UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2011) Implications of the Treaty of Waitangi in our work. In: Professional Development Programme: New Zealand Psychological Society, April, May, June, October, December, 2011, Five workshops throughout NZ. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Iwata, Jun and Clayton, John and Tamaki, Yuko (2011) ブレンディッドラーニングによる医学英語教育: Moodleの活用とその評価: Integrating blended-learning into teaching English for medicine: The use of Moodle and its effectiveness. In: Third Moodle Teachers & Developers Conference: Moodle Moot Japan 2011, 22-23 February, 2011, Kochi, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. UNSPECIFIED

Iwata, Jun and Tamaki, Yuko and Clayton, John (2011) Integrating Moodle-based activities into teaching English for medicine: Instructional design and evaluation. In: Corpora and language technologies in teaching, learning and research. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 39-49. ISBN 9780947649821 UNSPECIFIED

Johnson, Angela and Atlas, Ravil and Mapp, Richard and Coad, Conrad and Lawrence, Michael and Shacklock, Kay and Grylls, Karen and Fuller, Rachel and Melville, Susan and Melville, Susan and McGrath, Tom and Carnegie-Jones, Paul and Henderson, Lea and Sidwell, David and Coulson, Julie and McCabe, Fiona and Rae-Gerard, Colleen and Wells, John and Roderick, Kelsey and Ryan, Mary and Hunter, Ryan and Church, Jennifer and Liu, Celia and Christensen, Joe (2011) 25th New Zealand Singing School - Te Wananga Toi Waiata. In: 25th New Zealand Singing School - Te Wananga Toi Waiata, 5-15 January, 2011, EIT Campus, Taradale, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Liu, Mark (2011) Condense. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Liu, Mark (2011) DHB - celebrating 125th anniversary website. Waikato District Health Board, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Liu, Mark (2011) Type and sign. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Liu, Mark and Nicholls, Simon (2011) Reality transfer. In: ANZAAE (Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators) 2011 Conference: Power, Community, Materiality, 20-22 July, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Longhurst, Glynis and Van Biljon, A (2011) Effects of a kinderkinetic programme on the gross motor abilities in pre-school children. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 17 (3). ISSN 1117-4315 UNSPECIFIED

Lusty, George (2011) Professional research project: A reflection and evaluation. In: Journalism Educators Association of New Zealand (Jeanz) Conference: Education for the fragile craft: Teaching journalism during a time of rapid change, 1-2 December, 2011, Wintec, Hamilton. UNSPECIFIED

Mandelberg, John (2011) Yaniv saves the world. In: Expanding Documentary: XIIIth Biennial Conference 2011, 7-9 December, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Mandelberg, John (2011) A day in the life of... In: Village On The Hill: Celebrating 125 years of Waikato Hospital. Waikato District Health Board (DHB), Hamilton, New Zealand. ISBN 9480473200473 UNSPECIFIED

Mandelberg, John and Sidwell, David and Kavina, Lydia and Wiltshire, Alex (2011) "Conversations Between Theremin and Soprano": An audio-video Synaesthetic work by composer David Sidwell and film maker John Mandelberg. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Mandelberg, John and Thompson, Tom (2011) Lewis Morley, Photographer, That picture! [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Maqbool, Jannat and Potgieter, Christo (2011) Case - Collaboration framework for IT problem solving for community organizations. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 318-319. UNSPECIFIED

Maqbool, Jannat and Potgieter, Christo (2011) One IT internship experience at a not-for-profit organisation. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 320-321. UNSPECIFIED

Marino, F and Nassif, C and Gomes, A and Soares, D. and Cannon, J. and Silami-Garcia, Emerson (2011) Carbohydrate ingestion during exercise in the heat does not influence neuromuscular response following prolonged and sustained sub-maximal isometric exercise. In: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, 6-9 July, 2011, Liverpool, England. UNSPECIFIED

McDonald, Christine (2011) Interprofessional collaboration in a New Zealand palliative care environment - research proposal. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier (2011) Aotearoa Liberators and Púrákau. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier (2011) Festival del Cartel [Poster Festival] -celebrating the 50th anniversary of ICOGRADA Havana, Cuba. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier (2011) HEROIS, MITES I LLEGENDES. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier (2011) Púrákau at CASP in India. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier (2011) Púrákau in Christchurch Artbox. [Curating an exhibition or other artistic event] UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier and Lopez Hernandez, Flor de Lis and O'Connor, Denis and Reed, Michael and Robertson, Natalie and Sotolongo, Claudio and Silva Blay, Eric and Monzon Calero, Giselle and Miyares Holland, Michele and Meade, Arturo and PeZ, Carlos and Yescka, ASARO and Butt, Danny and Bywater, Jon and Perez Castillo, Ernesto and Monzon Calero, Yani and Meade, Carlos A. and Delaç, Luis and Hope, Heeni and Hart-Meade, Carolyna and Porter, Gwynnneth and Olds, Warren and Cook, David (2011) Pūrākau / Myths and legends / Mitos y leyendas. Clouds, Auckland, New Zealand. ISBN 9780986462825 UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier and Reed, Michael and Cuming, Simon and Hitchens, Dion and Mataira, Katerina and Ormsby, James and Watene, Josh and Farquhar, Nicola and Laird, Tessa and Olds, Warren and Rhodes, Jenny and Wilson, Leafa and Bywater, Jon and Papesch, Te Rita and O'Connor, Denis and Robertson, Natalie and Sotolongo, Claudio and Silva Blay, Eric and Monzon Calero, Giselle and Miyares Holland, Michele and Meade, Arturo and PeZ, Carlos and Yescka, ASARO and Butt, Danny and Lopez Hernandez, Flor de Lis and Meade, Carlos A. and Delaç, Luis (2011) Aotearoa Liberators & Púrákau (Myths and Legends - Mitos y leyendas). [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Moorhead, S. M. and Griffiths, M. W. (2011) Expression and characterization of cell-signalling molecules in Campylobacter jejuni. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 110 (3). pp. 786-800. ISSN 1365-2672 UNSPECIFIED

Nassif, C (2011) Bebida esportiva e o desempenho em atividades de resistencia. Webrun, 19 Jul. UNSPECIFIED

Nassif, C (2011) A ciencia do triathlon: Carboidratos a la mineira: Parte 1. Mundo Tri Magazine, May. UNSPECIFIED

Nassif, C (2011) A ciencia do triathlon: Carboidratos a la mineira: Parte 2. Mundo Tri Magazine, June. UNSPECIFIED

Nassif, C (2011) A ciencia do triathlon: Carboidratos a la mineira: Parte 3: com molho de carne de canguru? Mundo Tri Magazine, June. UNSPECIFIED

Nassif, C and Gomes, A and Soares, D. and Cannon, J. and Silami-Garcia, Emerson and Marino, F (2011) Carbohydrate ingestion did not affect 60 km self paced cycling performance during exercise in the heat. In: Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport (ACSMS) 2011, 22-24 October, 2011, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Nassif, C and Gomes, A and Soares, D. and Cannon, J. and Silami-Garcia, Emerson and Marino, F (2011) Voluntary activation is not affected by CHO ingestion after 60 km cycle time trial in the heat. In: Fatigue Symposium: The future of fatigue: Defining the problem, 22-24 August, 2011, Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Nassif, C and Maulder, P. S. and Hutching, L (2011) A ciencia do triathlon: A corrida de pes descalcos é para todos? Mundo Tri Magazine, Aug.. UNSPECIFIED

Naude, L. and Jansen, J. and Greyling, Willfred and Esterhuyse, K. (2011) Die rol van taalvaardigheid in die verband tussen matriek en universiteitsprestasie van swart eerstejaarstudente / The role of language proficiency in the relationship between year 13 and university performance of black first-year students. Journal for Language Teaching, 45 (1). pp. 116-130. ISSN 0259-9570 UNSPECIFIED

Oliver, Janet (2011) Can a highly interactive computer assisted learning program facilitate numeracy competency in elementary level ESOL learners? In: Centre for Languages Academic Hour, 9 September, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2011) Comparing support work practice with the principles of psychosocial rehabilitation. Platform Trust: Collaborate, Connect, Network. UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2011) Conceptualising blended teaching: Paradigm shift from blended learning to blended teaching: Discussion paper. Discussion Paper. Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2011) Developing mental health support work: A collection of contemporary research. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 9783838363844 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2011) Engagement, retention, completion and evaluation: A New Zealand tertiary education view. Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP). ISBN 9783845413099 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2011) Risk prediction, assessment and management: A review of violence risk assessment literature. Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), Germany. ISBN 9783845414560 UNSPECIFIED

Pace, Barnaby (2011) Social work - Support work partnership: Improving quality and continuity of care. Platform Trust: Collaborate, Connect, Network. UNSPECIFIED

Paton, Kim (2011) Free Store Project: Ljubljana. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Paton, Kim (2011) Free Store: Auckland. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Paton, Kim (2011) Let's be human beings. In: Now future: Dialogues with tomorrow: 2010 series. Now Future, Wellington, New Zealand. ISBN 9780473201852 UNSPECIFIED

Petcu, Miruna (2011) Molecularly imprinted polymers for indium using a novel functional monomer. In: 10th workshop on biosensors and bioanalytical microtechniques in environmental and clinical analysis (10th BBMEC), 19-22 June, 2011, Weimar, Germany. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Book review with Gail Pittaway: The garden in the clouds. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Book review: A hidden affair. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Book review: Afterwards. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Book review: The quarry. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Book review: Until Tuesday. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Fast, tight performance of nasty, funny play. Theatreview. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) From realism into magic and back again. Theatreview. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Good vibrations bring sexual and emotional emancipation. Theatreview. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Great play done exceptionally well. Theatreview. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Madcap pace and flawless timing. Theaterview. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) POPCAANZ Cooking with gas: Celebrity chefs before the media went mass. In: POPCAANZ (Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand) 2nd Annual International Conference, 29 June - 1 July, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Reader, I murdered him: Women as consumers and creators of crime fiction. In: Ethical Imaginations: Writing Worlds: Ethical concerns and their implications in literature and writing: 16th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs, 23-25 November, 2011, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Satirical humour in ‘peach’ of a play. Theatreview. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Strong writing and directing produce wonderful performances in contrasting styles. Theatreview. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Timeless quest to know about sex. Theatreview. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) Touching and uplifting. Theatreview. UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2011) The heart is still a lonely hunter. Theatreview. UNSPECIFIED

Podivinsky, E. and Mackay, J. (2011) High resolution melting analysis as a novel DNA assay for meat speciation. In: Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting: QMB2011, 29-31 August, 2011, Queenstown, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo (2011) Quality of service when streaming: Starting a joint project - FAIL! In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 342-343. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Fouche, Annette (2011) When worlds collide - Making Star Trek happen! In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 344-345. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Gousmett, Lesley (2011) Programming 2 - Exploring "student thinking". In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 346-347. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Gousmett, Lesley (2011) Programming 3 - Reviewing ourselves considering BRACElet. In: 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Broadening the view of IT Education, 5-8 July, 2011, Rotorua, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Maqbool, Jannat (2011) Is there such a thing as "Just replicate it"? In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 348-349. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Prabhu, Sunitha and Evan, Mark (2011) Enhancing a survey instrument re Indian students for IT field. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 350-351. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Shahtahmasebi, Said (2011) Health informatics: Key considerations from the national health IT plan. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 352-353. UNSPECIFIED

Potgieter, Christo and Stone, Michael (2011) Successful RAD and prototyping on a capstone project. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 354-355. UNSPECIFIED

Rafeh, Reza (2011) Proposing a New Search Template for Modelling Languages. Procedia Computer Science, 3. pp. 1490-1493. ISSN 1877-0509 UNSPECIFIED

Rajendran, Dileep (2011) Does embedding an ICT certification help align tertiary programs with industry? Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology, 15 (1). ISSN 2230-4398 UNSPECIFIED

Rajendran, Dileep and Morton, Scott (2011) Industry practitioners' perceptions of embedded CCNA: A comparative study. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 223-232. UNSPECIFIED

Rajendran, Dileep and Roberton, Garry (2011) Network virtualization: A survey of the Wintec EPG. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 356-357. UNSPECIFIED

Rashidi, Roya and Rafeh, Reza and Rahmani, Mohsen and Khadem, Ehsan (2011) ZLoc: A C++ library for local search. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6 (31). pp. 7095-7099. ISSN 1992 - 1950 UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry (2011) Bright future for ICT: Continuing growth in tertiary enrolments and jobs. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 358-359. UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry (2011) ICT Trends: Skills shortage going from bad to worse. IITP Newsline. UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry (2011) Recent ICT enrolment and job trends. IITP NewsLine. UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry and Bennett, Susan (2011) ALICE: Attracting Learners to ITPs for a Computing Education. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 360-361. UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry and Fendall, Andy (2011) Industry certification courses: Embedding Microsoft’s MOC 2274. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 362-363. UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry and Morton, Scott (2011) Smoothboard: A smart alternative. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 364-365. UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry and Rakena, Blaine and Aymes, Carol and Gousmett, Lesley (2011) STAR: Students Tasting And Reflecting on ICT study options via STAR courses. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ): Incorporating the 24th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand, pp. 366-367. UNSPECIFIED

Robertson, Jan (2011) Facebook in the Classroom. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Robinson, Scott and France, Adrian (2011) Comparing sports marketing of amateur team sports to professional team sports. New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research, 9 (1). pp. 47-61. ISSN 1175-8007 UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree (2011) Positive organisational behaviour: Implications for leadership and HR. In: Human Resources Institute of New Zealand (HRINZ): March Networking Event, 29 March, 2011, Rotorua, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2011) Aspirations and job burnout: A study of New Zealand managers. In: Community, Work and Family IV International Conference, 19-21 May, 2011, Tampere, Finland. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2011) Motivations, work-family enrichment and job satisfaction: An indirect effects model. In: Community, Work and Family IV International Conference, 19-21 May, 2011, Tampere, Finland. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2011) Self-determination theory and job outcomes: The moderating effects of perceived autonomous support. In: Academy of Management 71st Annual Meeting: West meets East: Enlightening. Balancing. Transcending., 12-16 August, 2011, San Antonio, Texas. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2011) Towards a comprehensive model of managers wellbeing: The role of self-determination theory. In: Conference Proceedings: Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management: Paris Dauphine, May 17-19, 2011. Paris-Dauphine University, pp. 234-252. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Rolley, Carollyn (2011) Workplace wellbeing on Maungataturi Mountain: The connection between ecological restoration and workplace happiness. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 27 (2). pp. 115-146. ISSN 2157-8834 UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2011) Copyright information for Wintec teaching staff. In: Inspire:Tech 2011, 18-19 April, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2011) Enhancing the student experience through technology training: A case study. In: shar-E-fest 2011, 11-12 July, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2011) Mobile library and staff preparedness: Exploring staff competencies using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model. In: RAILS7: Research Applications in Library and Information Studies: Doctoral Research Colloquium, 9 May, 2011, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2011) Workshop 2b: Working towards best practice: Educational mobility. In: Third International m-libraries Conference: Mobile Technologies: Information on the move, 11-13 May, 2011, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane and Haddow, Gaby (2011) Mobile library and staff preparedness. In: Third International m-libraries Conference: Mobile Technologies: Information on the move, 11-13 May, 2011, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Sarla, Kumari (2011) Good performance RF-MEMS SP2T switches in CPW configuration for space applications. [Journal item] UNSPECIFIED

Senior, Wayne L and Field, Kevin and Haines, Nathan (2011) Create, compose, and orchestrate string section arrangements for Kevin Field CD "Field of Vision". [Composition] UNSPECIFIED

Senior, Wayne L and Porter, Cole (2011) Anything goes: 2011: A concert of Cole Porter Songs (additional material). [Composition] UNSPECIFIED

Senior, Wayne L and Porter, Cole (2011) International publication of compositions and arrangements for jazz choir: Hey Cinderella; Hold my heart to blame; Anything goes: From the songbook of Cole Porter (2009); Who wants to be a millionaire; and You're sensational medley. [Composition] UNSPECIFIED

Shahtahmasebi, Said and Aupouri-Mclean, Caroll (2011) Bereaved by suicide. Primary Health Care: Open Access, 1 (1). ISSN 2167-1079 UNSPECIFIED

Shahtahmasebi, Said and Liddell, Jan (2011) Learning Through the Life Span: A Conceptual Virtual Simulation Model. Health Care and Informatics Review Online, 15 (2). ISSN ISSN 1174-3379 UNSPECIFIED

Shaw, Russell Graham (2011) This is not a landscape: (This a way of seeing): Intercourse with the landscape. [Student Project] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Sidwell, David (2011) Conversation Between Theremin & Soprano. [Composition] UNSPECIFIED

Sidwell, David and Brown, Victoria and Hall, David and Gill, Caroline (2011) My Fair Lady. [Performance] UNSPECIFIED

Sidwell, David and Hall, David and Johnson, Philippa and Alessandrini, Gerard (2011) Forbidden Broadway. [Performance] UNSPECIFIED

Sidwell, David and Strayhound and Kraenzlin, Jan Nicholas and Baxter, Dave and Fly by Wire and Thompson, Luke and Knights of the Dub Table (2011) Wintec Hothouse. [Performance] UNSPECIFIED

Stanbury, Jane and Davys, Allyson Mary and Beddoe, Liz (2011) Books, reports & media reviews: Best practice in professional supervision: A guide for the helping professions. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 25 (4). p. 311. ISSN 1469-9567 UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Angela and Stewart, Jane (2011) Assessing science-informed competency in the first year of the Bachelor of Nursing. In: Australasian Nurse Educators Conference 2011, 23-25 November, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Jane (2011) Collaborative research: The basics of success. In: Explore: Celebrating postgraduate study and research at Wintec, 27 October, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Jane and Dannenfeldt, Gudrun and Stewart, Angela and Stewart, Kevin and Fester, Victor and McHaffie, Jackie and Williams, Pam and Hipkins, Rose (2011) Rethinking assessment for the science modules in the first year nursing programme: Final project report. Project Report. Ako Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Jane and Stewart, Angela (2011) Rethinking assessment of competence within a first year nursing science module. In: HERDSA 2011: Higher Education on the Edge, 4-7 July, 2011, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Kevin and Phillips, Anthony R. J. and Whiting, Lynda and Jullig, Mia and Middleditch, Martin J. and Cooper, Garth J. S. (2011) Direct detection of peptide hormones from single pancreatic islets using MALDI-TOF MS. In: Medical Sciences (MedSci) Congress 2011, 29-31 August, 2011, Queenstown, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Kevin and Phillips, Anthony R. J. and Whiting, Lynda and Jullig, Mia and Middleditch, Martin J. and Cooper, Garth J. S. (2011) A simple and rapid method for identifying and semi-quantifying peptide hormones in isolated pancreatic islets by direct-tissue matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25 (22). pp. 3387-3395. UNSPECIFIED

Taylor, Beverly (2011) Learning through game playing. In: Inspire 2011: Future Working Spaces and Learning Places, 12 August, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Taylor, Beverly and Friar, Dale (2011) Meeting the needs of Indian students. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference (NZABE 2011): Rebuilding, Regrowth, Rejuvenation: Business, Education and Practice (R3BEP), 10-12 October, 2011, Nelson, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Te Wiata, Joy and Crocket, Alastair and Woolf, Vi and Mika, Carl (2011) Te Tiriti and ethics as dialogue: A unique call to partnership. In: Ethics in Practice: A guide for counsellors. Dunmore Publishing, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 11-27. ISBN 9781877399572 UNSPECIFIED

Tuffery, Dawn (2011) The construction of identity in autobiographical animation. Masters thesis, Waikato Institute of Technology, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Twohey, Sandey and France, Adrian (2011) A review of lean manufacturing: More than a tool box. In: ANZAM ’11 The Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management: 9th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium: Deakin University, Geelong, Australia: Wednesday 15 – Friday 17, 2011. Deakin University, pp. 30-40. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2011) Takitoru: From parallel to partnership: A ritual of engagement based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi for safe cultural practice in Maori counselling and social science. In: World Indigenouse Peoples' Conference on Education (WIPCE) 2011, 14-18 August, 2011, Cusco, Peru. UNSPECIFIED

Waterhouse, Peter and Smith, Mark and Greyling, Willfred and Aubrey, Annette and Gough, David (2011) Leadership panel: Enabling management for making a difference. In: National Centre of Literacy and Numeracy for Adults 2011 Symposium: Getting results: Making a difference for New Zealanders. Me Whai Hua Ka Tika, 30 June - 1 July, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Watson, Amy and France, Adrian (2011) Career advancement for women in accounting. In: Auckland Region Accounting Conference 2011: Conference Papers. AUT. UNSPECIFIED

Watson, Amy and France, Adrian (2011) Successful women in accountancy: A study to identify characteristics and strategies of successful women accountants. [Student Project] UNSPECIFIED

Williams, Gareth C.A. (2011) Ngaruawahia Rd., Te Kowhai, North Island, N. Z. (2010). [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Williams, Gareth C.A. (2011) Pearsons Rd, Puketurua, North Island, N.Z.(2011); and Te Ngae Rd, Rotorua, North Island, N.Z. (2011). [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Williams, Gareth C.A. (2011) Queen St, Thames, North Island, N.Z. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Williams, Gareth C.A. (2011) Rawhira Rd, Taupo District, North Island, N. Z. (2011); and Mainstreet Place, Hamilton, North Island, N. Z. (2011). [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Williams, Gareth C.A. (2011) Rukuhia Rd, Rukuhia, North Island, N.Z. (2009). [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Williams, Gareth C.A. (2011) Three Civic Towers. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Williams, Gareth C.A. and Paton, Kim (2011) Collected Fictions. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Williams, Naomi V (2011) New Suburbs. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Yeung, Deniss and Fu, Jianbo (2011) How they want it: A study on Chinese students’ preferred learning methods. Journal of International Education Research, 7 (1). pp. 15-26. ISSN 1941-756X UNSPECIFIED

Yeung, Deniss and Fu, Jianbo (2011) How they want it: A study on Chinese students’ preferred learning methods. In: VII Biennial Conference: International Academy for Intercultural Research, 24-28 July, 2011, Singapore. UNSPECIFIED

Young, Stefanie A (2011) Diana and Friends - Site. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Young, Stefanie A (2011) From the 'In the Absence of Rules' series - II and IV: Under the Ivory Tower exhibition. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Young, Stefanie A (2011) Site II; and Site IV. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

This list was generated on Mon Mar 17 01:30:06 2025 UTC.