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Items where Year is 2012

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Number of items: 194.

Ahmadi, Mehdi and Rafeh, Reza (2012) A Proposed Approach for Structuring Radiology Reports. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, 3 (7). pp. 40-45. ISSN 1837-7823 UNSPECIFIED

Akagi, Jin and Takeda, Kazuo and Fujimura, Yuu and Matuszek, Anna and Khoshmanesh, Khashayar and Wlodkowic, Donald (2012) Microflow Cytometry in Studies of Programmed Tumour Cell Death. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Alipour Aghdam, Paniz and Rafeh, Reza (2012) Accessing Canvas Element in HTML5. Global Journal on Technology, 1. pp. 1492-1497. ISSN 2147-5369 UNSPECIFIED

Alley, Clinton (2012) National and international tax regulation relating to E-commerce: Does New Zealand need to monitor and minimise the loss of tax revenue from Internet transactions and business? New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy, 18 (4). pp. 333-369. ISSN 1322-4417 UNSPECIFIED

Alley, Clinton and Coleman, James and Elliffe, Craig and Gousmett, Lesley (2012) New Zealand taxation 2013: Legislation handbook: Selected legislative provisions. Thomson Reuters, Wellington, New Zealand. ISBN 9771177276000 UNSPECIFIED

Archard, Simon (2012) Democracy through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in an Early Childhood Setting: A Case Study. Masters thesis, UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Archard, Simon and Archard, Sara (2012) Jack's story: A need to know. Computers in New Zealand schools CINZS, 24 (2). pp. 191-204. UNSPECIFIED

Ashcroft, John and Roberton, Garry and Atkins, Clare and Weir, David (2012) Panel session: Engaging communities: Utilising web 2.0/social networks. In: CITRENZ 2012: 3rd Annual Conference, incorporating the 25th Annual NACCQ Conference, 7-10 October, 2012, Christchurch, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Bannister, Matthew (2012) ‘Isn’t he a bit like you and me?’ Nowhere Boy and the feminised rock biopic. Screen Education (68). pp. 123-127. ISSN 1449-857X UNSPECIFIED

Bannister, Matthew (2012) "We hope you will enjoy the show": Sgt Pepper as camp entertainment. In: Routes, Roots and Routines: Selected papers from the 2011 Australia/New Zealand IASPM Conference. IASPM. ISBN 9780975774755 UNSPECIFIED

Bishop, David Ronald (2012) Perfect shark music: How can the principle of prosody be used in contemporary song-writing? Masters thesis, Wintec. UNSPECIFIED

Bocock, Susan Jane (2012) The experiences of teenage mothers in the neonatal unit. Masters thesis, Wintec. UNSPECIFIED

Bruce-Mayne, Julia (2012) Discipline specific e-training for trades tutors: Integrating theory with practice using e-technologies. Project Report. Ako Aotearoa, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Burden, S. B. (2012) Sports Medicine Waikato: Sports medicine seminar: Series 1. In: Sports Medicine Waikato: Sports medicine seminar: Series 1, 30 April, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Burden, S. B. (2012) Sports Medicine Waikato: Sports medicine seminar: Series 3. In: Sports Medicine Waikato: Sports medicine seminar: Series 3, 24 September, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Chamberlain, Paula (2012) Student responses to BAppSocSci teaching about Treaty/bicultural practice/working with Maori. In: CSWEANZ (Council of Social Work Educators Aotearoa New Zealand) Fieldwork Educators sub committee: National Group, 22 June, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2012) Book review of 'New Zealand Film: An illustrated history.'. The Journal of New Zealand Art History, 33. pp. 90-92. ISSN 0110-4888 UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2012) Cauterizing Schrodinger's Cat: Part 1 and Part 2. Satellite Gallery website. UNSPECIFIED

Citizen, Joe (2012) Cauterizing Schrodingers Cat: Joe Citizen on Antoinette Ratcliffe 2012. Satellite Gallery website. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2012) Mass-customisation and self-reflective frameworks: Early developments in New Zealand. Research in Learning Technology, 20 (Supp). pp. 189-203. ISSN 2156-7077 UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2012) Mentors and reflective frameworks: Internationalizing the local provision of professional development in e-Learning: A New Zealand case study. In: 5th Conference on e-Learning Excellence in the Middle East: Sustainable Innovation in Education [capacity-building, blended learning and beyond]. Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pp. 86-99. ISBN 9789948497110 UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2012) e-Portfolios for health: A hands on symposium. In: e-Portfolios for health: A hands on symposium, 27 September, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John (2012) A framework for portfolio development: The ACE model. In: e-Portfolios for health: A hands on symposium, 27 September, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John and Bland, Michael (2012) Hard to reach participant perceptions of accessing clinical nursing procedures within an e-environment. In: ALT-C 2012: A Confrontation with Reality, 11-13 September, 2012, Manchester, England. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John and Bland, Michael (2012) Improving nursing utilisation of evidence to inform clinical practice: A New Zealand case study. In: NET2012: 23rd International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, 4-6 September, 2012, Cambridge, United Kingdom. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John and Elliott, Richard (2012) Mass customisation and Massive Open Online Courses: Implications for educational institutions. In: Shar-E-Fest 2012, 1-2 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clayton, John and Elliott, Richard (2012) Recognition of "learning" through the issuing of badges: Explanations and examples. In: Shar-E-Fest 2012, 1-2 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clokie, Trish (2012) Creating a culture through convergence of technology and discussion. In: The Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2012: Tūtakitanga: Confluence and Convergence, 28 -29 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clokie, Trish (2012) Diverging paths: The influence of ereaders on book clubs. In: 24th Annual NZCA (New Zealand Communication Association) Conference: Divergence, 26-27 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Clokie, Trish (2012) The road less travelled: Communication preferences of family members caring for Alzheimer’s sufferers. In: 24th Annual NZCA (New Zealand Communication Association) Conference: Divergence, 26-27 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Cook, David (2012) David Cook: River Road. Time Machine, 5. UNSPECIFIED

Cook, David (2012) International Day for nuclear disarmament, Cathedral Square, 1983, Silver gelatin photographic print; Newspaper seller, Hereford Street, 1983, Silver gelatin photographic print; and Funeral in the Cathedral, 1983, Silver gelatin photographic print. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Cook, David (2012) International Day for nuclear disarmament, Cathedral Square, 1983, Silver gelatin photographic print; Newspaper seller, Hereford Street, 1983, Silver gelatin photographic print; and Funeral in the Cathedral, 1983, Silver gelatin photographic print. In: Reconstruction: Conversations on a City. Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu, Christchurch, New Zealand. ISBN 9781877375262 UNSPECIFIED

Cook, David (2012) Parallel arteries: A case study in photo-book strategies. In: Making Visible: Narratives of Place and Belonging, 15 September, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Cook, David (2012) Rotowaro Series - 12 photographs from 1984-1985 (Silver gelatin prints). [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2012) Cultural safety: Towards postcolonial counselling practice? British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 40 (3). pp. 205-220. ISSN 1469-3534 UNSPECIFIED

Crocket, Alastair (2012) NZAC life member: Whaea Tuti Aranui. Counselling Today: Nga Korero Awhina, Oct. ISSN 1178-7147 UNSPECIFIED

De Mello Costa, M. F. and Slocombe, Ron (2012) Use of angiotensin-I converting enzyme I/D genetic polymorphism as a biomarker of athletic performance in humans. Biosensors, 2 (4). pp. 396-404. ISSN 2079-6374 UNSPECIFIED

Deo, Sukh (2012) Internationalisation and Small Business Entrepreneurs (SBEs): A study of the critical factors that influence the behaviour of SBEs when they trade internationally. In: Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE) Research Exchange and DIANA International Conference, 31 January - 3 February, 2012, Freemantle, Western Australia, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Deo, Sukh (2012) Networking and Small Business Enterprises (SBEs): A study to find out if networking has a role for SBEs when they trade internationally. In: Engage, Enhance, Educate: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference: Conference Proceedings 1-3 October 2012. New Zealand Applied Business Education, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Deo, Sukh (2012) Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) in a globalising world. In: 37th International Small Business Congress (ISBC) 2012, 15-18 September, 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa. UNSPECIFIED

Douglas, Gaby and Roche, Maree (2012) Open plan office places: Maximising the benefits of new space designs. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2012: Enhance, Engage, Educate, 1-3 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Du, Mingzhang and France, Adrian (2012) Research project in accounting: The impact of budgeting procession performance in Chinese SMEs. [Student Project] UNSPECIFIED

Easto, A and Edwards, Susan (2012) How well prepared do beginning NZ primary school teachers feel they are to teach English language learners? In: CLESOL 2012: 13th National Conference for Community Languages and ESOL: Emerging opportunities in new learning spaces, 4-7 October, 2012, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Edwards, Susan (2012) Knowing the learner: What do secondary mainstream teachers know about their English language learners, and why does it matter? [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Edwards, Susan (2012) What do New Zealand secondary mainstream teachers know about their English language learners? New Zealand Journal of Teachers' Work, 9 (2). pp. 107-1118. ISSN ISSN 1176-6662 UNSPECIFIED

Field, Jenny (2012) Employing collaborative reflective practice to explore the teaching of reading: A case study from Timor-Leste. In: Centre for Languages Academic Hour, 15 February, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Fisher, Mary and Kemsley, Karen (2012) Research findings: From ESOL to mainstream. In: Centre for Languages Academic Hour, 9 March, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Flintoff, Vivianne and Rivers, Shirley (2012) A reshaping of counselling curriculum: Responding to the changing (bi)cultural context. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 40 (3). pp. 235-246. ISSN 1469-3534 UNSPECIFIED

France, Adrian (2012) Accounting, management, and marketing student enrolment intentions of summer school courses. In: Engage, Enhance, Educate: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference: Conference Proceedings 1-3 October 2012. New Zealand Applied Business Education, Hamilton, New Zealand, pp. 59-69. UNSPECIFIED

France, Adrian (2012) Is it time to assess the impact of recruitment advertising on the accounting profession? Global Journal of Business, Management and Accounting, 2 (1). 021-027. UNSPECIFIED

Gaddum, Georgie (2012) The Agency Project: Creative students in the real world. In: 24th Annual NZCA (New Zealand Communication Association) Conference: Divergence, 26-27 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Gaddum, Georgie and Riddle, Charles (2012) Technology and teaching: A case study of software-enhanced enquiry-based learning across academic pathways. In: 24th Annual NZCA (New Zealand Communication Association) Conference: Divergence, 26-27 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Gera, Christina (2012) Postgraduate learning support. In: Kia pihi ai te mahi ngatahi: Working together: Planting the Seed ATLAANZ (Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand) 2012 Conference, 21-23 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Gera, Christina (2012) Teaching students from the Middle East. In: Inspire Festival 2012, 3 August, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Gourdie, John (2012) Speed dating: Blended learning champions group. In: Inspire Festival 2012, 3 August, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Gourdie, John and Fendall, Andy (2012) Question machine: A tool for creating online assessments in the blended learning and Moodle environment. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2012: Enhance, Engage, Educate, 1-3 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Granville, Scott (2012) Lessons in the Dark - International screenings of 'Lily White' short film. ?. UNSPECIFIED

Granville, Scott (2012) Play Dead. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Granville, Scott (2012) Worldkids International Film Festival - International screenings of 'Lily White' short film. Chasing Time Productions. UNSPECIFIED

Granville, Scott and Woollen, Ben (2012) Pride of Caldwell. [Video] UNSPECIFIED

Greenwood, Sallie (2012) Overview of research: Two mothers. In: Centre for Health and Social Practice Research Open Day, 17 August, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Greyling, Willfred (2012) Eliciting and laddering prospective language teachers' classroom-related constructs. Per Linguam, 28 (1). pp. 73-90. ISSN 2224-0012 UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Greenhaus, Jeffrey and Roche, Maree and Ziegert, Jonathon (2012) Effect of leaders’ work-family conflict on followers’ depression: An examination of crossover processes. In: Work and Family Researchers Network Inaugural Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Work and Family, 14-16 June, 2012, New York, New York. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Marelo, Mary-Carmel and Roche, Maree (2012) Corporate entrepreneurship, perceived autonomous support and firm performance in New Zealand: A mediation study. In: EURAM12: European Academy of Management: Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence, 6-8 June, 2012, Rotterdam, Netherlands. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree and Cui, Nannan (2012) Work And family enrichment and orientation towards job satisfaction: Assessing cross-cultural differences. In: EURAM12: European Academy of Management: Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence, 6-8 June, 2012, Rotterdam, Netherlands. UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree and Taylor, Daniel (2012) Work-family conflict and turnover intentions amongst indigenous employees: The importance of the whanau/family for Maori. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (12). pp. 2546-2560. ISSN 1466-4399 UNSPECIFIED

Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree and Taylor, Daniel (2012) Work–family conflict and turnover intentions of indigenous employees: The importance of the whanau/family for Maori. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (12). pp. 2546-2560. ISSN 1466-4399 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) Alberto Garcia-Alvarez & Petar Vuletic (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (144). p. 16. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) Degas to Dali at the Auckland Art Gallery. New Zealand Listener (3750). ISSN 0110-5787 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) Feminists and formalists part II. In: Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) Annual Conference 2012: Together <> Apart, 12-14 July, 2012, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) Gordon's Walters Prize (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (144). p. 17. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) In spite of ourselves: Approaching documentary (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (143). p. 20. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) Martin Poppelwell (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (142). p. 19. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) Milan Mrkusich: Painting, 1971. The Les and Milly Paris Collection. p. 48. UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) Nick Austin: Notebook of a spider (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (143). p. 21. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) Richard McWhannell: New works (Exhibition review). Art New Zealand (142). p. 18. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Hanfling, Edward (2012) Works for me: A conversation with Philip Trusttum. Art New Zealand (141). pp. 26-35. ISSN 0110-1102 UNSPECIFIED

Harrison, Andrew (2012) Anchor points. In: NZ Arb (New Zealand Arboricultural) Annual Conference 2012: Past to present, 25-26 October, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Haultain, Adie (2012) A picture is worth a thousand words: Using photo-elicitation within research and teaching. In: CLESOL 2012: 13th National Conference for Community Languages and ESOL: Emerging opportunities in new learning spaces, 4-7 October, 2012, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Healy, Susan and Huygens, Ingrid and Murphy, Takawai (2012) Ngapuhi speaks: He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Independent Report on Ngapuhi Nui Tonu claim. Te Kawariki & Network Waitangi Whangarei, Whangarei, New Zealand. ISBN 9780473229818 UNSPECIFIED

Hermann, Fiona (2012) Immunisation and midwives: Beliefs, information and professional development: An exploratory study. In: New Zealand College of Midwives 12th Biennial National Conference (NZCOM 2012), 24-26 August, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Hooker, Tracey (2012) An investigation into the benefits of peer coaching for tertiary students: Students supporting students. In: Quality, Equity, Innovation. Sichuan University Press, Chengdu, China, pp. 77-88. ISBN 9787561457047 UNSPECIFIED

Hooker, Tracey (2012) An investigation into the benefits of peer coaching: Students supporting students. In: 10th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, 5-8 January, 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii. UNSPECIFIED

Hope, Celia (2012) A community based ESOL literacy programme for migrant and former refugee women: Update of the research project. In: Centre for Languages Academic Hour, 25 May, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2012) Emotions in social change: Pākeha respond to Māori experiences of colonization. In: 2012 International Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD) Hui, 21-23 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Huygens, Ingrid (2012) Engaging with Maori: Using our heads and hearts. In: New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists & New Zealand Psychological Society Joint National Conference 2012: Tutahitanga: Standing together as one. New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

James, Liz (2012) Growing the next generation: Developing strong midwifery students. In: Normal Labour and Birth: 7th International Research Conference: Learning from each other, 26-28 October, 2012, Hangzhou, China. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Johnson, Marcia and Haines, Andrea and Gera, Christina (2012) WaiBoost: An intensive cohort programme for developing tertiary-level academic skills. In: Navigating the River: Proceedings of the 2011 Annual International Conference of the Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa/New Zealand (ATLAANZ). Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa/New Zealand, pp. 58-70. UNSPECIFIED

Kemsley, Karen and Fisher, Mary (2012) Bridging the gap: From English as an Additional Language (EAL) to mainstream. In: CLESOL 2012: 13th National Conference for Community Languages and ESOL: Emerging opportunities in new learning spaces, 4-7 October, 2012, Palmerston North, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Kim, Hyun-Chan and Nicholson, Alan (2012) Mode Choice in Freight Transport in New Zealand: Findings of a Revealed Preference (RP) Survey of Shippers. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Lamdin, Rain (2012) Communicating with babies and young children. In: Communication Across the Lifespan. Oxford University Press, pp. 30-47. ISBN 9780195585148 UNSPECIFIED

Lawrence, Richard and Chang, Cathy (2012) Videoconferencing using SCOPIA for teaching and learning English as an Additional Language: Pedagogical and technological observations. In: Centre for Languages Academic Hour, 24 August, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Li, Min and Stewart, Jane and Lu, Wei (2012) A comparative study on Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers' beliefs between China and New Zealand. In: Quality, Equity, Innovation. Sichuan University Press, Chengdu, China, pp. 3-14. ISBN 9787561457047 UNSPECIFIED

Liu, Mark (2012) Marker. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Liu, Mark and Nicholls, Simon (2012) Coalesce. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Liu, Mark and Nicholls, Simon (2012) Fieldays exhibitor. UNSPECIFIED, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Long, Jason (2012) The Border. [Audio] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Long, Jason (2012) Born Again. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Long, Jason (2012) The Harvest Moon. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Long, Jason (2012) Lullaby. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Long, Jason (2012) The Wind Blows Our Words Away. [Audio] UNSPECIFIED

Mandelberg, John (2012) A research project: Seeing light, hearing music and the long path to SOVIET FAUST, in English. [Media arts item] UNSPECIFIED

Mandelberg, John and Wilson, Samarah and Sidwell, David (2012) YANIV SAVES THE WORLD. [Media arts item] UNSPECIFIED

Mansouri, Leila and Rafeh, Reza (2012) Proposing a Model for Predicting Flow Stress of Aluminium Alloy in Tensile Test. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 2 (6). pp. 39-42. ISSN 2248-9622 UNSPECIFIED

Marshall, Tammy and France, Adrian (2012) Research project in accounting: Successful accountants in business. [Student Project] UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. (2012) Is Facebook a worthwhile tool for student engagement? In: Inspire Festival 2012, 3 August, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, P. S. (2012) Power Research Netball Waikato High Performance squad. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED

Maulder, Peter and Hume, Patria A. and Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane (2012) Is injury occurrence associated with joint coupling variability during unanticipated movement tasks performed by netballers? In: 30 International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports. Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

McClunie-Trust, Patricia (2012) Boundary negotiations in living a professional life: Care of the self and others. In: 18th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, 22-25 October, 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. UNSPECIFIED

McClunie-Trust, Patricia (2012) Professional boundaries workshops. In: Professional Boundaries Workshops, 21 June, 16 August, 17 August, 20 September, 21 September, & 22 November, 2012, Hamilton, (North Shore) Auckland, (Manukau) Auckland, Invercargill, Dunedin, & Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

McConnell, Luke and Macpherson, Kent (2012) Bug Loop. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

McConnell, Luke and Macpherson, Kent (2012) Sound and Vision. [Moving image] UNSPECIFIED

McDonald, Christine (2012) Collaborative practice in the palliative care environment. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

McDonald, Christine and McCallin, Antoinette and MacLeod, Rod (2012) Collaboration and communication - what is one without the other. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

McNamara, Nancy (2012) Including a simulation programme into year one nursing practice: How effective is it in terms of student learning? In: SimHealth 2012: Making teams work, 10-13 September, 2012, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier (2012) Sustain/Create. [Paper presented at a conference, workshop, or other event which was not published in the proceedings] (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier and Lopez Hernandez, Flor de Lis and PeZ, Carlos and Yescka, ASARO and Meade, Arturo and Sotolongo, Claudio and Miyares Holland, Michele and Silva Blay, Eric and Monzon Calero, Giselle and O'Connor, Denis and Reed, Michael and Robertson, Natalie and Butt, Danny and Bywater, Jon and Meade, Carlos A. (2012) Purakau Myths & Legends Mitos y Leyendas | Waikato Museum. [Curating an exhibition or other artistic event] UNSPECIFIED

Meade, Xavier and Meade-Hart, Carolyna and Meade, Carlos A. and Meade, Roberto (alias REO) and González Meade, Ana Gabriela (2012) Óptica II. self published. UNSPECIFIED

Mengesha, Lula G. and Duppati, Geeta Rani and Deo, Sukh (2012) Revealing the effects of ill global eco-financial systems and their capsules. Journal of International and Global Economic Studies, 5 (2). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1940-655X UNSPECIFIED

Milham, Don J. (2012) Conscious manifestations of dementia: Case study review - personal journals of both a person with vascular dementia and their caregiver. In: Alzheimers New Zealand: Future Faces of Dementia Conference, 24-27 May, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Milham, Don J. (2012) Personal diaries of a person with dementia and their caregiver. In: Alzheimers New Zealand: Future Faces of Dementia Conference, 24-27 May, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Milne, Kerry and France, Adrian (2012) State of management accounting practice in Australia. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 8 (6). pp. 774-779. ISSN 1548-6583 UNSPECIFIED

Milne, Tania and Skinner, Joan (2012) Learning midwifery face to face or via the screen: Does it impact on student engagement? In: New Zealand College of Midwives 12th Biennial National Conference (NZCOM 2012), 24-26 August, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Newport, Anthea and Richardson, H. (2012) A practical approach to pastoral care. In: Inspire:Tech 2012, 7-8 February, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Ng, Judy and Barnard, Roger and Burns, Anne (2012) Questionnaires. In: Researching Language Teacher Cognition and Practice: International Case Studies. Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781847697899 UNSPECIFIED

Nicholls, Simon (2012) Marker. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Okoro, Ogechi and Tookey, John (2012) Sustainable Infrastructure and capacity building for Development: A Key challenge in the oil... [Paper presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Otto, Helen (2012) Autonomy and the interconnectedness of the learning environment. In: Independent Learning Association 2012 Conference New Zealand (ILA 2012): Autonomy in a Networked World, 30 August - 2 September, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Otto, Helen (2012) New models of learning and staff development are emerging from the combination of delivery methodologies such as blended, place-based and service-training. [Poster presented at a conference, workshop or other event, and published in the proceedings] UNSPECIFIED

Oxenham, Tania (2012) The pedagogical basis of Wānanga as a model of learning. In: Te Toi Tauira mō te Matariki: Where innovation prompts initiative, 25-27 September, 2012, Dunedin, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Oxenham, Tania (2012) A pedagogical understanding of wānanga as a model of learning within Wintec: How wānanga is used as a model of learning under Wintec's Blended Learning Strategy. In: Kia pihi ai te mahi ngatahi: Working together: Planting the Seed ATLAANZ (Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand) 2012 Conference, 21-23 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Pascoe, Robert (2012) Ethics to business: The essential ingredient. NZLawyer (183). ISSN 1175-5148 UNSPECIFIED

Paton, Kim (2012) Free Store: Public lecture. In: Free Store public lecture, 28 May, 2010, Film Archive, 84 Taranaki Street, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Paton, Kim (2012) Free Store: Wellington. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Paton, Kim (2012) Introduction. The National Grid (8). pp. 3-4. ISSN 1177-2468 UNSPECIFIED

Pittaway, Gail (2012) Stain removal, shopping and social responsibility: Aunt Daisy, New Zealand’s first multi-media celebrity, 1933 -1960. In: NonfictioNow Conference 2012, 21-24 November, 2012, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Pitts, Warwick and Moore, Margi and Thomas, Josephine (2012) Train the teacher programmes: Wintec/Chengdu University collaboration. In: 2012 Education Forum for Asia Annual Conference: Asia Education: Towards a more properous and better future, 21-23 September, 2012, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. UNSPECIFIED

Purdom, Mark (2012) Déjà Vu, Dentist Gallery, London. November 2012. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Purdom, Mark (2012) Edward. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Purdom, Mark (2012) Pecha Kucha Talk. In: MA Photography Pecha Kucha, 9 May, 2012, The Old Market Theatre, Brighton, United Kingdom. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Purdom, Mark (2012) Under, exhibited in the Master of Arts degree show - Déjà vu, University of Brighton Gallery, Brighton,UK. September 2012. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Rafeh, Reza (2012) An adaptive approach to dealing with unstable behaviour of users in collaborative filtering systems. Journal of Information Science, 38 (3). pp. 205-221. ISSN Retrieved from UNSPECIFIED

Rafeh, Reza and Esmaili, Amir (2012) Clone detection: a graph-based approach. Global Journal on Technology, 1. pp. 1365-1369. ISSN 2147-5369 UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry (2012) Communicating trends: Providing ICT intelligence to the community. In: CITRENZ 2012: 3rd Annual Conference, incorporating the 25th Annual NACCQ Conference, 7-10 October, 2012, Christchurch, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry (2012) STAR courses: An effective marketing tool, or a community service? In: CITRENZ 2012: 3rd Annual Conference, incorporating the 25th Annual NACCQ Conference, 7-10 October, 2012, Christchurch, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry (2012) Social networking: Exploiting online technologies to promote research outputs. In: CITRENZ 2012: 3rd Annual Conference, incorporating the 25th Annual NACCQ Conference, 7-10 October, 2012, Christchurch, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roberton, Garry (2012) Tertiary ICT enrolments and job vacancies: Reflecting on trends. In: CITRENZ 2012: 3rd Annual Conference, incorporating the 25th Annual NACCQ Conference, 7-10 October, 2012, Christchurch, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roberts, Malcolm J (2012) Open source software and education: A brief literature review. In: Shar-E-Fest 2012, 1-2 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree (2012) Is the opposite of positive negative? Towards an understanding of student wellbeing. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2012: Enhance, Engage, Educate, 1-3 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2012) Eastern mindfulness, psychological capital and leaders’ mental health: A multi-sample effects study. In: Acadmey of Managment: The Informal Economy 2012, 3-7 August, 2012, Boston, MA. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2012) Leader to follower contagion: A self-determination theory approach. In: Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, 22-24 May, 2012, Paris, France. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2012) Mindfulness and mental health. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2012: Enhance, Engage, Educate, 1-3 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2012) Mindfulness: A personal resource for engagement, thriving and wellbeing? In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2012: Enhance, Engage, Educate, 1-3 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod (2012) Team level perceptions of autonomy support and job outcomes: A mediation study. In: Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, 22-24 May, 2012, Paris, France. UNSPECIFIED

Roche, Maree and Haar, Jarrod and Luthans, Fred (2012) Mindfulness, psychological capital, and well-being: A four study sample of organizational leaders. In: 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2012, 6-8 December, 2012, Perth, Western Australia, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Ryan, Jonathon and Gass, Susan (2012) Stimulated recall. In: Researching Language Teacher Cognition and Practice: International Case Studies. Multilingual Matters, Bristol, England. ISBN 9781847697905 UNSPECIFIED

Saeedi, Mohsen and Li, Loretta and Salmanzadeh, Mahdiyeh (2012) Heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Pollution and ecological risk assessment in street dust of Tehran. Journal of Hazardous Materials. UNSPECIFIED

Sanders, Ros (2012) Preparing preceptors online. In: NET2012: 23rd International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, 4-6 September, 2012, Cambridge, United Kingdom. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Sanders, Ros and Parsons, Penny (2012) Through the Looking Glass: What did people see? In: Hospice New Zealand 20th Palliative Care Conference: Community, choice and collaboration 2012, 14-16 November, 2012, Auckland, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2012) Identifying learner support needs through the use of a digital and information literacy self-assessment framework. In: ALT-C 2012: A Confrontation with Reality, 11-13 September, 2012, Manchester, England. UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2012) One phone to rule them all: A case study. In: 4th International M-Libraries Conference 2012: From margin to mainstream: Mobile technologies transforming lives and libraries, 24-26 September, 2012, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2012) Personalising the student approach to tertiary study through a self-assessment model. In: PLE Conference 2012, 11-13 July, 2012, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and Aveiro, Portugal. UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2012) Removing barriers to nursing student success through technology competency training. In: NET2012: 23rd International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, 4-6 September, 2012, Cambridge, United Kingdom. UNSPECIFIED

Saravani, Sarah-Jane and Haddow, Gaby (2012) Staff preparedness to implement mobile technologies in libraries. In: M-Libraries 3: Transforming libraries with mobile technology. Facet, London, England, pp. 75-84. ISBN 9781856047760 UNSPECIFIED

Shaw, Bill (2012) Culturally safe practice. In: Centre of Health and Social Practice Research Forum, 13 July, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Sidwell, David and Mandelberg, John and Senior, Wayne L (2012) Facebook page: Tales of Nikolai Gogol [Musical]. Retrieved from UNSPECIFIED

Sidwell, David and Mandelberg, John and Senior, Wayne L (2012) Tales of Nikolai Gogol [Piano/Vocal Score]. [Composition] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Smith, Andrew and Sanders, Marion and Norsworthy, Bev and Barthow, Suzzanne and Miles, Lynne M and Ozanne, Phillip and Weydeman, Cindy (2012) Maximising learning dialogues between workplace mentors and students undertaking professional field-based experiences. Project Report. Ako Aotearoa, Wellington, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2012) Bogans. In: Spark International Festival of Media, Arts and Design, 13-17 August, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave (2012) Crossing the "divide": Virtual ethnography in the "real world". In: 2012 International Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD) Hui, 21-23 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Snell, Dave and Hodgetts, Darrin and McLeay, Colin (2012) Embodying identity through tattooing: Autoethnography and the “bodyscape”. In: 2012 International Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD) Hui, 21-23 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Jane (2012) Certificate of Adult and Tertiary Education (CATE): Programme evaluation and renewal: Literature review. Discussion Paper. Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Stewart, Kevin and Phillips, Anthony R. J. and Whiting, Lynda and Cooper, Garth J. S. (2012) Role of a newly discovered pancreatic peptide in the control of insulin secretion. In: Sydney 2012: Combined Meeting of Australian Physiological Society (AuPS), Physiological Society of New Zealand (PSNZ), Australian Society of Biophysics (ASB), 2-5 December, 2012, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. UNSPECIFIED

Taylor, Beverly (2012) Rejuvenation through learning innovation and student engagement. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2012: Enhance, Engage, Educate, 1-3 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Taylor, Beverly and Grant, Bill (2012) Innovative approaches for student group work. In: New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference 2012: Enhance, Engage, Educate, 1-3 October, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Ten Brummelhuis, Lieke and Haar, Jarrod and Roche, Maree (2012) Managers’ boundary management: How leaders’ family-to-work interference affect their followers’ outcomes. In: Work and Family Researchers Network Inaugural Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Work and Family, 14-16 June, 2012, New York, New York. UNSPECIFIED

Van Biljon, A and Longhurst, Glynis (2012) Influence of exergaming on the physical fitness towards physical activity of overweight children. In: Life Through Movement International Conference, 27-29 September, 2012, Potchefstroom, South Africa. UNSPECIFIED

Van Biljon, A and Longhurst, Glynis (2012) The influence of exergaming on the functional fitness in overweight and obese children. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 18 (4). 984 -991. ISSN 1117-4315 UNSPECIFIED

Waine, Anthony Craig (2012) With a lotta' help from my friends: Creativity and collaborative contemporary songwriting in New Zealand / Aotearoa 2011. Masters thesis, Wintec. UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard (2012) Meanwhile: The little things that count. Waikato Times. UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard (2012) Ring road poster exhibition. [Student Project] (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Walker, Richard and Stanfield, Deborah (2012) The difficulty in reporting diversity: Training journalists to see outside the stereotype. In: 24th Annual NZCA (New Zealand Communication Association) Conference: Divergence, 26-27 November, 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, David/Rawiri (2012) Takitoru: From parallel to partnership: A ritual of engagement based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi for implementing safe cultural practice in Māori counselling and social science. Mai Journal, 1 (1). pp. 61-75. ISSN 2230-6862 UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2012) Maori experiences of historical intergenerational trauma and transformative pedagogies. In: Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund, 19 November, 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. (Unpublished) UNSPECIFIED

Waretini-Karena, Rawiri/David (2012) Maori experiences of historical intergenerational trauma and transformative pedagogies (full version). In: MAI Doctoral Conference 2012, 30 November - 2 December, 2012, Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Way, Justine and France, Adrian (2012) Research project in accounting: Work study balance. [Student Project] UNSPECIFIED

Williams, Gareth C.A. and Paton, Kim (2012) Collected Fictions. [Curating an exhibition or other artistic event] UNSPECIFIED

Yeung, Deniss (2012) My second life: A survey of Chinese immigrants in New Zealand. Journal of Diversity Management, 7 (1). pp. 47-56. ISSN 2157-9512 UNSPECIFIED

Yeung, Deniss (2012) My second life: A survey of Chinese immigrants in New Zealand. In: 2012 Bangkok International Academic Conference, 12-14 March, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. UNSPECIFIED

Young, Stefanie A (2012) Fieldays Exhibitor and the Waikato Independent - student supervision for photography contribution to this event. Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand. UNSPECIFIED

Young, Stefanie A (2012) Ring Road Poster Exhibition 2012. Wintec. (Submitted) UNSPECIFIED

Young, Stefanie A and Wilkinson, Andrea (2012) Living here [image and typography]: Lightbox Exhibitions. [Contribution to a Show/Exhibition] UNSPECIFIED

Zhou, Hong (2012) Titanium and Titanium alloy Coatings for Corrosion Protection. Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Titanium, 3. UNSPECIFIED

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